You could look at pivot tables, that might do it. They create a new sheet and depends what you select it will list the selection and can be used to count the number of occurances.
So if the post code AB12 3CD occurs 3 times, column B can say "3"
In column C - which should be blank type in the formula, say in cell C5, "=IF(B1>1,1,0)" - this will put a 1 in the column if that post code is used more than once (Cell A5 is the top of the pivot table data). Call this sheet "Pivottable"
Go back to the first table now, assuming Postcode is column, A, Northing B and Easting is in C. Type this in column D, assuming A1 is the first post code use the vlookup formula,
This should now put a 1 or a 0 in column D depending if the post code is used more than once. You can do the same with Northing or Easting if you want.
I have been an idiot and forgot to mention the COUNTIF function! that answer is easier and quicker than mine.
(in my defence, Pivot tables are worth learning to use though)