2009-02-05 02:27:27 UTC
everything seems okay, occasionaly i get the blue screen of death
because of hardware problems, i have formated the hard drive about 8 times, burn different copies of XP, try almost everything man kind has made, All from scratch to verify i did it well, wasted about 10 dvds (lightscribe ones) AND it still giving me problems, OH forgot to say something, VISTA SUCKS BALLS, only cool thing is, i have moving backgroup,, WOW, how impressing, a video that moves while doing something in the computer.. :-/
I have tried linux mint 5 cassandra before and i like it, the only bad thing is that i could never figure out a way to get wify on it..
witch linux do you recommend? I like my OS to look impressive, display is a big thing to me.. don't worry i have ram and CPU to run almost everything..