[quote]Hal.dll File Corrupt
The Hassle: My XP system boots normally. But if I ever try to restart after, say, installing a Windows Update, Windows flashes me a "missing or corrupt hal.dll" error message.
The Fix: That's because you have a missing or corrupt Hal.dll file (but you knew that). Tiny Empire's fixntldr should do the trick. This free tool creates a bootable floppy drive and reinstates the necessary files (the site also has instructions for using a CD-ROM). It's near the top of the page under the heading "How to fix: NTLDR is missing, press any key to restart. ( http://tinyempire.com/notes/ntldrismissing.htm#What_if_I_made_new_changes_that_I_want_to_keep? )"
If that expedient doesn't work, you'll have to do the deed manually. Read Kelly Theriot's "Missing HAL.DLL" tutorial ( http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_haldll_missing.htm ). If you have to start over (I hope not), read Lincoln Spector's "How to Reinstall Windows XP ( http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,129977-c,installation/article.html )."
Quick Tip: If your system crashes frequently and you get blue screens loaded with error messages, your problem may be bad system memory. For a quick checkup, Use Microsoft's Windows Memory Diagnostic tool ( http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/fid,64964-order,1-page,1/description.html ).
What is hal.dll?
Hal.dll is a hardware abstraction layer that links the physical (hardware) and software components of a computer.
How can I fix an error message saying that hal.dll is missing or corrupt?
The first method rebuilds the boot configuration on your hard drive. If this doesn’t work, the second method replaces the hal.dll file on your computer with the one that comes on the XP CD. Please note that this may be one symptom of a larger, more serious problem. If you have this error multiple times, or this and other errors, you may want to seek help.
It may help to print these instructions.
1. Enter the Recovery Console (instructions here).
2. Then, type the following (in bold), in order:
• bootcfg /rebuild
• You will probably see something like the following:
"Total Identified Windows Installs: 1
[1] C:\Windows
Add installation to boot list? (Yes/No/All)"
• Type Yes (or all) and press Enter
• When asked to " Enter Load Identifier," type Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition or Microsoft
Windows XP Professional Edition depending on which edition you have and press Enter
• When asked "Enter OS Load options," type /fastdetect and press Enter
• When it is done, type exit
• Your computer will restart, so see if it worked.
If it does not work, enter the Recovery Console again, choose the installation, and type the password
1. This time, type:
expand D:\i386\hal.dl_ %systemroot%\System32\hal.dll and press Enter
*make sure to replace “D” with your CD and/or DVD drive’s letter that contains the XP CD
2. Again, type exit and see if it worked.