Pocket KillBox Beta
Pocket KillBox is a program that can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them.
Usage Information:
Download this file, extract it, and run the killbox.exe file. When it loads type the full path to the file you would like to delete in the field and press the Delete File button (looks like a red circle with a white X). It will prompt you to reboot, allow it to do so, and hopefully your file will now be deleted.
Unlocker 1.8.5
Unlocker helps delete locked files with error messages like:
- Cannot delete file: Access is denied
- There has been a sharing violation.
- The source or destination file may be in use.
- The file is in use by another program or user.
- Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.
How to Delete Undeletable Files in Windows
Become a magician to make file disappear
Sometimes files will be named using more than the Windows 255-character limit and cause this.
Chances of getting a hit on the first pitch aren't great, but start by giving the file a right-click and then picking Rename. Move to the text under the icon that now is highlighted and type in a new name, something like "Die Varmit.txt" would be appropriate. Now drag it to the trash.
Sadly, these corrupted files often cannot be renamed, so we may need Plan B:
Q. In the My Documents folder I have a file that mysteriously appeared and seems here to stay. I right-click to delete and it reads, "Cannot read to delete ...." I can't move it or anything. It says it's 0 KB, which I guess means there is nothing in it. Can you help me remove this intruder?
-- Larry Harrelson, Sacramento
You may need all the 4,200-plus kilobytes in this column to exterminate that file of a mere 0 kilobytes, Mr. H. On the upside, covering the possible answers to this simple-sounding problem will dramatize just how cranky computers still can be when sane people try to use them as instructed.
There are a number of ways that these unwelcome 0 KB files can be born to cling to the hard drive like barnacles on a rock.
And that means there are several different fixes, depending upon what caused the problem. Sometimes files will be named using more than the Windows 255-character limit and cause this. Other times it happens when a file is moved into the Windows Recycle bin and then restored. Sometimes 0 KB zits erupt while something is being installed.
Chances of getting a hit on the first pitch aren't great, but start by giving the file a right-click and then picking Rename. Move to the text under the icon that now is highlighted and type in a new name, something like "Die Varmit.txt" would be appropriate. Now drag it to the trash.
Sadly, these corrupted files often cannot be renamed, so we may need Plan B:
Fire up your copy of Microsoft Works or Word and click on File and then Open and set the search box to "*" (all files). Now select the nasty file and let the word processor open it as a document. There may be a lot of gibberish. Now move the cursor into the text area and type a few characters at the top. Next click on File and Save and point the save box to the errant file in the My Documents folder. When asked to confirm that you want to replace the current file click OK.
Oftentimes the process of rewriting the file during a save operation will overwrite something causing the problem, and then it can be deleted by dragging to the recycle bin.
If this doesn't work we reach Plan C:
Try changing the settings of the Recycle Bin so that any file dragged into it will be erased forever instead of being held until the user decides to order the recycle bin emptied. Give a right-click to the Recycle Bin icon and look for the Global heading in the tabbed menu that appears. Put a checkmark in the box that reads, "Do not move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted."
(Whether this fix flies or flops, you should go back and remove the checkmark to prevent a catastrophic loss of an important file sometime down the road.)
Are you ready for plan D?
Next try to delete the file using the DOS programming code that works behind the scenes in Windows. Go to the Start button and select the Run command. In the Run text box, type in "cmd" and tap Enter.
This brings up a text-only command window that reads something like "C:
Documents and Settings\Owner" with a flashing cursor at the end asking for input. Type in "cd My Documents" and tap Enter.
"CD" stands for "change directory," so now the line will read "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents."
Next type "dir" and tap Enter. A list of all the files and folders in your My Documents folder will scroll down the screen, with a number alongside showing the size next to the file name.
Find your gate crasher and note its name.
Now type in "del" followed by a space and then the name of the file exactly as shown in the directory list. This will delete the file using the internal plumbing behind the curtain called Windows.
Should this fail, Plan E is getting close to a last resort:
Try restarting the computer in so-called Safe Mode, then use the mouse cursor to drag the file into the trash icon. To reach Safe Mode, restart your computer and during the start-up sequence, tap the F8. Choose Safe Mode from the list of options given. The desktop will appear in a very low-resolution display with chunky icons and limited colors. Click on My Documents and then drag the 0 KB intruder to the trash.
Should all of these possible fixes fail -- which I'm betting is mighty unlikely -- I recommend trying the New York Approach: FUGIDABOUTIT!