Ryan R
2009-04-04 13:06:51 UTC
I have a Acer Aspire One with runs Linpus Linux which, I believe, is based upon Fedora 6.
I quite like the Fedora based Linpus so I decided to ditch Mandriva One from my desktop and go with Fedora 10.
I have come to install the ndiswrapper to get my Windows WLAN card running and I follow the routine
tar zxvf package.tar.gz
cd package
make install
However, when i get to ./configure and more importantly make, I get the error message
bash: make: command not found
I checked this by doing the make command on my Linpus / Fedora 6 netbook and got the same error.
So, I have 2 Fedora based computers, on which I dont seem to be able to install tar.gz files
Any offers.
Thanks in advance