what r the pros and cons of linux vs. windows?
2011-02-01 10:43:35 UTC
im thinking of getting linux as my os ive heard good things about it but at the same time ive also heard that it can b very hard 2 operate if ur not really good with computers.i'd like 2 know what is good about linux, but also the downsides of it as well.i'd appreciate ur feedback.
Nine answers:
2011-02-01 13:48:28 UTC
Linux is It's free as in free speech.

There is no DRM, (Linux ignores DVD regions, and doesn't encrypt digital outputs)

There are no tailored updates that could introduce targeted backdoors.

Almost everything on the system updates in one click.

It's open source which leads to less bugs and more security. Those flaws that are found are quickly patched and distributed.

You don't have to mess with the drivers if you don't want to. If it can work, it usually just works.

No artificial limitations or anti-features. It can read more than one partition on a USB drive, and make a RAID array out of whatever you want to.

It supports all sorts of complex routing and network protocols.

Performance doesn't lag as a system ages.

Variety, there are over 200 distributions of Linux and counting. Many are different options for a general purpose computer, and many are specialized for one purpose (say a router, firewall or music server)

Modularity and small base footprint means you can have a modern OS on ancient hardware.

Overall I like linux because it treats you like a person, and not some wad of cash to be harvested.

There are of course some cons, :

1. It's not in the mainstream, meaning you will be left out of some things unless you dual boot or have another computer.

2. There's a learning curve. Certainly doable now for an average power user. If you're the one who figured out how to get rid of the last infection your computer had, you can probably figure it out if you're willing to read the documentation. (If you've never used a computer this really isn't a factor.)

To respond to specific criticisms... The Morris Worm was 6 years before the BSD OS was open sources, 3 years before Linux Torvalds wote some basic code to explore the functionality of the 8086 processor, and 6 years before Linux 1.0, the first non-beta version.

Open source actually makes programs more secure. Linux has been approved for governmental use at all levels, and was the first kernel where things like stack and heap randomization could be implemented. It was also the first to support mandatory access control (. Because it is open source so many people can work on it and it will stay the cutting edge for new security models. Last summer a fuzzer discovered 6 bugs in the web kit engine, and around 200 in the IE engine.

There are distribution of linux that will run in under 64 MB of RAM, or entirely within 128 MB of RAM with no harddisk space needed. And unlike XP they include the newest kernels, networking programs and tools, making it much more secure.

As for being a waste of time, it's best to buy hardware with linux in mind rather than having it as an afterthought. I'm sure several manufacturers would release dual boot systems that had drivers for all of the hardware in the linux kernel tree, if it weren't for the windows OEM agreements that prohibits such practices.

MATLAB has a native linux version, that can also run of the BSD's.

The Disney corporation pays the developers of WINE to make sure the latest photo-shop will work.

I don't think AutoCad does, but that brings up the next point. It may very well be a waste of time for some people, but not for everybody. Millions of people like myself have make the transition and have been very happy for it.

Some times for successfull migration
2011-02-01 11:17:46 UTC
Dual boot Windows and Linux, you will have the best of both systems available. Both operating systems have their good points and their bad points. If you are into gaming keep Windows, Linux has a long way to compare with Windows in gaming. If you are not into all the Fluff and Puff of all the software available for Windows, then use Linux. I have not crashed or reloaded it in over two years. I constantly fight Windows and issues related with Windows. It's a six hour adventure for me to reinstall Windows, find hardware drivers and then reinstall all my software. Not a pleasant experience. The most time I spend reinstall Linux is about one hour including installing the software and I don't have to search for hardware drivers. But understand Linux is a choice, not an answer. I run mine 95% of the time and don't miss Windows at all. I am no longer a Microsoft Hostage. I really love seeing answers from people who know very little (or keep up to date) about Linux and MAC computers.
2011-02-01 11:01:08 UTC
You can buy a Ubuntu computer from System76 all pre-installed with Linux, and it's all GUI (graphical user interface) like Windows or OS X.

Firefox, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, iTunes like programs and many other great programs are available. Flash can be installed too. And on a powerful machine (dual core laptop or better) Virtualbox can be installed which will run Windows in a window on Linux. So you could run Windows programs, just not 3D games well.

No Silverlight for Netflix streaming on Linux as far as I know.

Linux has a low market share, thus not much in commercial software. Its a geeks OS, but it's more secure by design. For general use I think Linux is great, but for more specialized use I use Windows and/or OS X.

If you have a machine your want to install Linux on, and it meets the system requirements.

With a Windows computer and PenDriveLinux, you can install Linux easily on another computer, via a bootable 2GB USB (if your computer can) or use Windows to burn a ISO image of the distro of Linux your interested in to a cd. Both you have to enter the BIOs (special start up key) to tell the machine to boot from USB or cd.

Once you've installed, hook up the computer via Ethernet cable to a router and boot, Linux will find the drivers needed for your Wifi and other hardware specifics.

That's about it. Hit the System Update, hit the Software Center and your rocking in Linux.
2011-02-01 14:33:33 UTC
The bottom line is:

Linux is not tough to use, in fact, in some cases it is even simpler than windows. So don't be misguided about the saying "Linux is HARD".

If you really interested to know more about Linux, I'll suggest you to put your questions in Ubuntu Forum [1]. Don't be afraid! You donot need to be a geek or genius to put questions there. Folks over there are very friendly. They answer/discuss pretty much every questions/topics posted to the forum, regardless how stupid are they.

if you want to ask the same question "what r the pros and cons of linux vs. windows?", then it will be better to drop the question at The Community Cafe. [2]
Linux Mint 11
2011-02-01 16:18:51 UTC
Overall a Linux based platform can certainly perform most of the tasks equally as well as a Windows based platform using the likes of Ubuntu and its derivative distros. However Linux does have its limitations with some applications and in particular gaming. For example I retain a partition with XP on to run specific applications which cannot be adapted through a Windows compatability layer such as Dreamweaver CS5, Office 2007 etc.

So if you intend to continue to run a number of Windows applications the way forward is to Dual Boot using the method above or install Linux insde Windows

Installing Linux as a dual-boot with Windows without partitioning

I thoroughly recommend Linux Mint 10 Main Edition which is built upon Ubuntu 10.10 Its easy to install and easy to use plus it comes with much of the software you are likely to need preinstalled

Linux Mint has a similar installer called mint4win (mint4win works the same as Wubi so the instructions outlined above are almost identical)

You keep Windows as it is, mint4win only adds an extra option to boot into Linux Mint. mint4win does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader, and does not install special drivers. It works just like any other application.

mint4win keeps most of the files in one folder, and if you do not like it, you can simply uninstall it as any other application.

Boot in to windows insert the Linux Mint LiveCD and you will offered the option of installing inside windows which is where the mint4win installer comes in, you will be asked how many gigabytes you wish to allocate to Linux Mint (I recommend 8gb) then you set a password for your installation then click install and thats it.

Once Linux Mint is fully installed upon starting your PC you will be given a choice of which operating system you want to use Windows or Linux Mint

Linux Mint 10 Download

Linux Mint 10 User Guide

You download the ISO. image of Linux Mint 10 then you need to create a Bootable LiveCD for installation

Linux Mint 10 can also be run direct from the LiveCD from Boot without touching your Hard Drive

pappu pass
2011-02-01 11:10:44 UTC
development in windows is much better, see softwares like adobe photoshop, autocad and matlab. also gaming is much better, ease of use, plenty of themes, fully customizable, much better and easier for novices, provides free support, you do not have to google all day to fix any problem.

also windows is peaceful community we do not write articles like linux users they will write kde sucks so use gnome and someone else will write gnome sucks so use kde, bla bla, such battle continues...

gaming is much better.

windows is safe, UNIX was the first system infected by virus. In 1988 Morris worm was the first computer virus in history that caused serious damage to companies using computers. The damage was estimated at about 100 million dollars! As always, a breach was found in one of UNIX’s services which resulted in spreading infection. there are very few users of linux that's why you will not see too many viruses, but if large number of users start using it then because its open-source, plenty and plenty of dangerous viruses wil develop, since keeping the source code Open will give chances to many hacker to write dangerous viruses.

reference to morris worm [ ]

Aero is useful and aero effects, aero themes are much better, while compiz doesnt even decorates all the parts of your OS, Moving a wobbly window around looks cool for about 10 minutes,

you can still run windows XP in 256 MB ram and it will run fine, while for ubuntu 1 GB ram is recommended. juat google ubuntu 512MB ram, you will find a post that a user was not able to run ubuntu even in 512MB ram.

linux is wasteful of bandwidth because of dependancy hell, addicted to internet.

gave up trying to use Linux as a desktop PC. The biggest problem was with device driver support: often the support would be non-existant or partial at best. Even if there was device driver support, I’d have to scour Usenet and the Web to get information on how to make things work. It’s not that I can’t figure these things out, it’s just that I have better things to do.

I drive a car and I want my car to go from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’, I could care less about how my Electronic Fuel injection works because if it breaks I’ll get a mechanic to fix it!

My 2 Cents Only...

bottom line– Linux wastes time.
2016-04-14 13:55:20 UTC
Masturbation is a natural habit with Male teenagers. Female masturbation is called Fingering. First of all you should know that your private part is not made of metal and shall not be used roughly, whenever you want and in whatever manner you want. Continuous masturbation in men will certainly leads to unwanted curvature of penis (it depends on which hand and how much roughly u r using on your private part). Some times, men may fracture their penis due to wrong postures too which becomes a major problem. They may suffer loss of quality sperms in seminal fluid due to excess masturbation. Hence, it is better to put an end to masturbation and control this habit for your future happiness. (In women, their clitoris is the pleasure giving part and highly sensitive one. It looses its sensitivity due to rough use of their fingers on clitoris. Later they may feel lack of pleasure or orgasm in intercourse) As a good suggestion, please keep a K-Y lubricating jelly (which is available in all medical shops) or coconut oil to apply on your penis & palm before masturbation to avoid roughness in friction between palm and the penis. To some extent this will help u avoiding damage to your penis. It is still better if u use a pre-lubricated condoms during masturbation. MASTURBATION ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK IS ACCEPTABLE. Please take care of your penis, as without this vital part you are dead to this world as you cannot enjoy the pleasure of sex. Mind you, Penis is not replaceable by surgery. Hence avoid safeless sex with women of all kinds to avoid getting veneral diseases. POSITIVE EFFECTS OF MASTURBATION Moderate masturbating can actually render positive effects like reducing stress and anxiety and promoting the production of 'endorphin' hormone. Endorphin is considered 'feel good hormones' as it brightens up the mood of an individual. Thus, increased amount of endorphin would mean lively mood and high spirits. Besides, this particular hormone is also said to be beneficial for a man's prostate. Negative Effects of Masturbation Excessive masturbation creates a problem when one reaches a point where he does not have any sperms to ejaculate and thus, blood takes over. It affects orgasm too. Psychologically, it leads to the issue of obsessive compulsive disorder of masturbating all the time with little or no life. The adverse effect on a relationship and the corresponding spouse is rather obvious. TIPS TO QUIT MASTURBATION -Pamper your hobbies by spending more time in doing what you like. Indulge in outdoor activities, adventure sports and other similar activities that can help you keep your mind off from masturbating. -Avoid watching *p-o-r-n movies, sex magazines or any other form of sexual material. -Try to have a busy and tiring schedule so that by the end of the day you can fall asleep early.
2011-02-01 10:50:52 UTC
there are not pros cuz the number one con of both is that that are a pc and you need to buy a mac
2011-02-01 10:49:41 UTC
a lot of software is not compatible with it like office, photoshop, msn etc.. there are alternatives but they arent as good..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.