-are u familiar with linux?
-are u familiar with Windows?
-are u familiar with Open Source?
-what operating system is installed on your PC?
Kubuntu Linux 6
-What operating system do u prefer?
-w/c is easy to use and manipulate?MWin/Linux/others
Windows & Linux are both fairly easy to use in most cases. Most people are used to Windows, but that doesn't make Linux any harder, just different.
-w/c is better in Graphical user interface?
Linux. Linux has two graphical user interfaces, Gnome and KDE. Gnome is slick, clean, and streamlined. KDE is more Windows-like, but with far greater control over the eye candy (the appearance of the windows, buttons, etc).
-w/c is more practical to use?
Both are very practical to use in a desktop enviroment. It simply comes down to personal taste.
-in comp. servers w/c is much better to use? Why?
Linux - It's easier to manage as a server than Windows servers are, and its much more reliable.
-what MWin is installed on your PC?
I used to have Windows ME, but dumped it.
-what Linux version/distribution is installed on your PC?
Kubuntu Linux 6 (uses the KDE graphical user interface)
-what application did you often use in your MWin? How about in
In Windows: MS Office or Firefox
In Linux: OpenOffice or Firefox
-In terms of speed w/c is better?
-in terms of cost w/c is cheaper?
Linux - It's free!
-if you are a linux user, will u transfer to MWin OS? why?
Never. I moved away from windows and I'm not moving back again.
-if you are a MSWIN user, will u transter to Linux? Why?
I already have moved to Linux. Why?
....- Because windows is unreliable,
....- Windows very rarely gets updated (3 years, compared to every few months for most Linux distros),
....- Linux and all its software is opensource, so bugs are located and fixed by developers much quicker,
....- Linux uses advanced security which makes it much MUCH harder for any viruses or trojans to do serious harm.
....- Far less viruses and trojans exist for Linux in the first place.
....- Linux uses a package manager, which means that thousands of software titles can be installed from the web simply by browsing a categorised list of available titles and ticking the ones you want to install.
....- Most Linux distros are available on live CD, which means you can put the CD into the CD/DVD drive when the computer is starting and Linux will run entirely from the CD, without requiring installing. You can then evaluate it to see if you like it before deciding to install.
....- Linux is completely FREE! You don't pay for software updates or new versions or anything! It's all completely legal.
Rate Win and Linux OS accdg. to:(rate 1-5...highest 5)
win: 3 Linux: 5
win: 4 Linux: 4
win: 4
Linux(KDE): 5
Linux(Gnome): 4
win: 2 Linux: 5
-easy manipulation/use
win: 3 Linux: 4
-easy to understand
win: 4 Linux: 4
win: 3 Linux: 4
win: 3 Linux: 5
-manipulation of computer resources
win: 3 Linux: 4
-management of files
win: 4 Linux: 4
-manipulation of I/O dev
win: 4 Linux: 4