James Geddes
2010-11-07 16:08:27 UTC
If the heading were "x"...
3.5.3 x
x are a very nice food and are rather good for you. Chickens lay x and different x have different sizes.
If I were to change just the heading to "Eggs", I would want the other instances of x to update accordingly, like this...
3.5.3 Eggs
Eggs are a very nice food and are rather good for you. Chickens lay eggs and different eggs have different sizes.
But if I decided to change just the heading to "cups", I would want the paragraph to look like this...
3.5.3 Cups
Cups are a very nice food and are rather good for you. Chickens lay cups and different cups have different sizes.
In programming, they are called variables, as you can give them a value which is referenced in other areas, but those other areas change if the original variable change. Is that possible in Word 2007?