2009-04-06 14:17:53 UTC
The application or DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\sajekeye.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.
This message also appears whenever I try to open any application. After closing the message the application will open.
Before this started I had had a problem with my start up and after fixing this problem these messages began appearing. Assuming this was a virus I have run multiple anti-virus/malware/spyware programs (the latest of which being Spybot SD) and found and deleted multiple Trojans. The problem is the messages are still there. I looked up sajekeye.dll and found that it is a Trojan file. So is this a virus that my programs have overlooked? I've tried searching my computer for sajekeye but I can't find anything.
I found a suggestion that said to reinstall firefox. I tried that but it didn't change anything so I have removed firefox completely. I still get the messages.
I have run out of solutions. Does anyone know what this is or how to stop it?