well this might be a little complicated.
first you must cut some scene with (I'm using vcd cutter) and save it in .Mpeg. than use adobe image ready and import it. but this will cause to many layer. than chose save optimized as, then save it in .gif.
or. you can directly convert your clip to .swf , mp4, or 3gp format using video convert master. these will also works with your phone.
in order to have the smaller one, would be better if you capture frame to frame using cyberlink power dvd, copied and paste in adobe photoshop from layer1 to the end, then save in .psd.
than open your .psd file with adobe image ready. then arrange layer to frame. after finishing your desire animation, then save optimized as gif.
if you still want to have the smallest one, before saving your file, you need to reduce it to 50% by choosing Image than click image size.
you can also use sothink swf quicker to combine two or more gif animations and teks and export to swf, and still having a better combined animation, with smaller file size.