why do people hate linux?
2015-04-20 13:18:49 UTC
Everyone says Linux is slow and shitty and nothing works on it. I know that's not true cause everything works just fine for me and its a lot faster than windows. My friend is running his own server and i told him he should put Linux on it and it wold run faster and he said it would make the server 10 times worse. Can somebody tell me where all this hate for Linux is coming from.
41 answers:
mat w
2015-04-24 00:15:17 UTC
Usually anyone that was to say they hate it either has not tried it or has been running a live cd to back their claims.

Most modern users claims rise from the fact that windows is able to play more games this is becoming less and less true as more and more games are released on steam for linux (or older games being ported) this issue will be gone all together when steamos is released (a linux distro)

The next issues is that people want to be able to click and have everything magicly work for them this is likley the worst thing you can possibly do and is how windows ends up a malware infested cesspool and everything bad in the world linux has a learning curve but after that learning curve installing applications/services or packages is as simple as 1/2 commands and has a huge community of people who will help you out..for free....without the malware.

Linux is THE NUMBER ONE operating system for server as it is cost effective robust and everything you could possibly want as an operating system windows has no legs to stand on in this competition atall!

Linux is also the NUMBER ONE In mobile operating systems with android being BASED ON THE LINUX KERNAL and Ubuntu phone being released this means the number of users is alot higher than that of any other especially when compared to the jokes of an operating system that windows released for mobiles (not that i would back android either..)

In short if you like free software, dont mind learning and have more brain capacity that your average lemming that you'll likly want to use linux.
2015-04-22 22:48:58 UTC
Linux is Good.

People Hate Linux Because They Not not able to type command and also software.

basically in any institute student is started computer using With Windows. Not Linux
2015-04-22 12:54:54 UTC
The user interface is not very good, and not what people are used to. That does NOT mean that linux is a bad operating system or server, its just not what people are used to. Windows is going to support more hardware and software, but you can write your own drivers/etc depending on the time you have on your hands. Linux needs to be a hobby that you are interested in.

Linux might be 10x worse for your friend, because the learning curve would be high. You do NOT learn linux servers overnight. Linux would be better for me, but that's because I know it.
2015-04-22 18:29:19 UTC
Linux is a much better OS than Windows in many ways. I am currently running dual boot on my laptop, which allows me to use either Windows or Linux and I much prefer Linux. The user interface is not as friendly as several people mention though.

I was involved in the hosting industry for many years and the majority of servers run Linux. Windows is more of a home user OS.
2015-04-28 05:55:54 UTC
Linux is very good but people Hate Linux Because They not able to type command and software.
2015-05-04 03:23:24 UTC
linux is good for a tool. for things that windows would never be able to do or allow you too do. but linux will never be 100 percent complete because its made by so many people who add on the software which messes alot up and windows has the gaming market. but to be honest both are going down the tube. i personally believe tablets are going to replace labtops and tv are going to replace desktops. i mean my cell phone is a samsung galaxy note 4 something that is literally a fraction the size of a computer or labtop and can do alot of stuff both can do. really if you talk about linux based softwares like what they use on cellphones and tablets YES way better than windows because the future goes much farther
2015-04-25 16:09:16 UTC
too be honest. linux is good for a tool. for things that windows would never be able to do or allow you too do. but linux will never be 100 percent complete because its made by so many people who add on the software which messes alot up and windows has the gaming market. but to be honest both are going down the tube. i personally believe tablets are going to replace labtops and tv are going to replace desktops. i mean my cell phone is a samsung galaxy note 4 something that is literally a fraction the size of a computer or labtop and can do alot of stuff both can do. really if you talk about linux based softwares like what they use on cellphones and tablets YES way better than windows because the future goes much farther
2015-04-23 06:08:56 UTC
There s i dont find any reason to hate linux but i can say that most people have learn to use Windows not linux thos they hate linux
2015-04-24 02:17:13 UTC
Linux is a much better OS than Windows in many ways. I am currently running dual boot on my laptop, which allows me to use either Windows or Linux and I much prefer Linux.
Robert J
2015-04-20 14:29:58 UTC
A combination of:

Lack of understanding


People running "live" disc / USB versions that are not actually installed but reading external media every time they need data - which is slow...

My company has been using Linux for servers of many types since the mid 90s.

It is categorically faster at virtually everything than Windows on the same hardware.

(I'd estimate you need around a third the CPU power to get similar performance on a file or web server running Linux than the equivalent running Windows).

Going back over a decade, I downloaded the full "CDDB" database, when it was still freely available.

Unpacking the archive on my own Linux server, which was built from scrap parts & had a 386 CPU took a minute or so.

Unpacking the same file on my state-of-the-art Windows 486 desktop, with more RAM and faster hard drives, took over half an hour.

That's mainly due to differences in the file systems, but it's an example of the differences.
2015-04-20 15:44:01 UTC

I switched from Windows to Linux years ago, and found Linux to be faster and more stable and MUCH cheaper (read: free). Everything I want to do works just fine. I even game on Linux, and games on Linux are faster and more stable than gaming under Windows.

People use what works for them. I've used Windows since 1990. I've seen it hit it's peak in performance and usability and now I'm watching it go down the toilet (Windows 8.x and Windows 10 are abominations). I switched to Linux, and find it works much better for me.
2015-04-25 05:45:12 UTC
Linux is awesome. It's lightweight, it's simple. It's freedom. Plus there are now over 1000 games for Steam on Linux so software is not a problem for me anymore, now I can finally delete windows.
2015-04-25 02:13:53 UTC
Linux is by far much more powerful than Windows. It is fast, reliable, scalable, portable and effective in every way. Some people hate them either they are working for Microsoft or simply they do not know how to type commands :)
2015-04-21 10:57:34 UTC
People who are willing to try Linux for a few weeks are usually delighted that they took the time to experiment with Linux.

On the other hand, most people who claim to hate Linux have never even tried it.

They are imprisoned in a malware infected Windows-only world.
2015-04-21 14:33:16 UTC
I dont know but I love linux
2015-04-20 15:12:31 UTC
I, for one, do not hate Linux. In fact I've never used it and don't intend to. My nephew the nuclear physicist (really) uses Unix exclusively and can't work any other way. Pixar and Lucasfilms use Unix for all their important work because it is WAY faster and completely customizable. Me? I have a business, I use the internet and email constantly for business and personal. I write letters, I do desktop publishing and art, and I do my bookkeeping with QuickBooks and that's about it, mostly. And my wife does the same and she is NOT computer literate. Bottom line, I grew up with DOS, I understand these things. My days of tinkering around with my systems, using the command line for anything but troubleshooting, and generally fiddling with it are things of the past. I LOVE Windows, as does my wife. I have no reason to switch, there is no benefit for me, and I'm just too old to be fiddling around with greps and grebes and the like.
2015-05-04 08:40:38 UTC
Expensive OS operating system so some people hate this linux Operating system.
2015-04-30 09:22:05 UTC
Because Linux Is tuff to Use.
2015-04-28 19:49:37 UTC
Linux is best for me, people hate , because they font try to understand
2015-04-28 10:18:12 UTC
because Linux beats windows in price(its free and open source), it lets you hack much easier, and Microsoft and Apple run a monopoly and Linux is the only opponent to this monopoly.
jerry t
2015-04-20 14:15:03 UTC
Biased windows users who do not want to see linux succeed put our false info about linux.
2015-05-02 03:19:05 UTC
basically maximum people did not used linux operating system software, this is the main reason for this, Also linux system software is not available in internet and Bangladesh.
2015-08-08 05:56:27 UTC
people hate Linux and the main reason is for performing every task it require some shot of code. which is hard to remember always.
2015-05-03 10:49:52 UTC
Linux is good for Security, server, networking but for user level is good windows .
2015-04-23 11:00:12 UTC
Because its for nerds and if you are not a nerd you just have to hate it. So the truth is if you hate Linux you're just stupid
Higgy Baby
2015-04-20 18:29:27 UTC
I got tired of fighting issues with XP back in 2008. I tried Ubuntu- and I have never looked back.

With each new computer I have gotten since- I delete the windows and load up either Ubuntu or Mint.

I have never had an issue with Linux....and I don't know how to use code. I just point and click- and it works.
2015-04-20 13:21:23 UTC
People tend to hate what they don't understand. Linux is typically harder to use than Windows based products which means less people learn it.
2015-04-27 21:00:30 UTC
linux it's only for experienced people.
Andrew Boe
2015-04-21 14:46:29 UTC
U gotta admit though, Linux has MAJOR driver issues. Yes usually everything is plug and play, but have an android device in ADB, forget it. IK that this is minor, but for me It's major. I wish there was an implementation for third party drivers such as windows has. Comments?
2015-04-25 08:35:22 UTC
Because the software on linux it's 'old fashioned' :)
Cowboy C
2015-04-22 20:02:35 UTC
If you have not learned how to use a computer yet, it is easier to learn to use windows or a mac. Many people like to use the operating system they learned to use first.
Syed ameer Hamza
2015-04-29 04:24:13 UTC
Because its totally based on command line .
2015-04-28 23:15:15 UTC
It is friendly for IT professional but not for common users.
2015-04-24 00:50:04 UTC
I think peoples are not familiar with this OS. so they have myth about it.
2015-04-28 06:27:28 UTC
Because windows is more popular. and windows is more easy to use.
2015-04-25 08:29:54 UTC
Ignorance of the operating system and how to use it.
2015-04-21 15:48:37 UTC
They never actually tried it.
2015-05-03 15:46:44 UTC
i love it
2015-04-22 06:47:12 UTC
Here's why I don't like (won't say "hate" though) Linux:

1> Desktop lacks polish. At first they look cool, with desktop effects like "wobbly windows" and "shatter" and everything, but once you use it for a while, you realize they look like "cheap-clones" of Windows/ Mac, they lack polish, they look like they were designed by some enthusiasts, not "paid professionals".

2> You still have to use the CLI. Linux users will claim the CLI is better than the GUI. But I find that logic stupid. Everything that a normal user wants to do, can be done using the GUI in Windows. How is clicking on friendly menus worse than typing cryptic commands on a black screen?

How is "sudo zypper --in from pacman vlc vlc-codecs" better than searching google for VLC player, and just double clicking on the .exe installer?

Don't tell me you can install VLC from a GUI package manager, I KNOW you can, I was just making a CLI vs GUI point here. There are things in Linux which WILL REQUIRE you to open the shell and type cryptic commands.

3>Difficult to install software: Linux WILL REQUIRE AN ACTIVE INTERNET CONNECTION to install software.

I can download a .exe installer for Windows, copy it to a pen drive, and carry it to a different computer running Windows (not necessarily the same version, windows has a "compatibility troubleshooter" which will let you run software made for a different version of Windows, all the way back to Windows 95).

With Linux, this is MOSTLY IMPOSSIBLE. You can download the .rpm or .deb, copy it to a flash drive, and move it to a different computer running Linux, and if the target computer does not have an active internet connection, chances are you won't be able to install the software on it. There are "dependencies" involved, which are NOT included in the installer, and when you try to install it on Linux, Linux must download the dependencies while installing the package. There is a way to overcome this (just google "installing apps offline in Linux" and you'll find out), but I don't consider copying 20 dependencies along with the installer to be a practical solution. And there's a risk involved as well- if you don't let Linux resolve conflicts and download dependencies automatically, the functionality/ performance of the software may be less than optimal.

4>Bad drivers: Linux will cause "loss of functionality". The hardware manufacturer does not support 200 distros of Linux, so they will probably release a generic driver which will probably work with most distros, or they won't release any drivers at all and the open-source geniuses will reverse-engineer/ hack Windows drivers to make a Linux driver. The end result in most cases, is loss of functionality. I have one laptop in which "accelerometer" doesn't work. "Biometric authentication/ Cornea Scan/ Fingerprint Scan" doesn't work so I have to type in the password when I boot to Linux. Most touchpad gestures don't work, basic gestures like 2-finger scroll, pinch2zoom does work, but 3finger flick, rotate, swipe, doesn't work. I cannot lock the touchpad by double-tapping on the lock zone-I can lock it by using a "synaptics" app which Linux installed automatically, but when I lock it with the app, the "Touch is locked" LED indicator doesn't light up. Why live with a crippled system when I already have a valid Windows License and it works perfectly?

5>Difficult to repair when something goes terribly wrong: When something goes terribly wrong, Linux will not load the GUI and present you with a CLI terminal to type in repair commands. When something goes terribly wrong with Windows, it will restart, run "Automatic Repair", and you're back to the desktop. What's better?

There's no "SYSTEM RESTORE". In Windows if you mess something up and you don't remember what you did, you can just "system restore" the computer to a known-good time and everything will work again. In Linux, you must fix the problem manually, you might ask the community, and the community WILL ask you to TYPE COMMANDS in the black screen, 99% of the times.

6>Sound system in terrible in Linux.

7>No "power saver" option. They will again tell you it costs less battery to run the CPU at full speed even when on battery, and then make it idle as soon as possible. But from experience, I can confirm that Windows will dramatically increase battery life when you use the power saver profile. My laptop runs out of battery in Linux within 2.5 hours. In Windows it easily lasts about 4 hours. I can prevent this by typing a cpufreqd command in the CLI, but I hate having to open a shell for such a simple thing.

8>Bad applications: Of course Linux applications are free (as in free beer, you don't pay for them), but they are way inferior to Windows applications. Compare MS Office to Libre Office. Compare The Gimp to Adobe Photoshop. Linux applications are "basic", not for professionals or for people wanting the best. And for some applications like Adobe AfterEffects, InDesign, Premiere Pro, illustrator etc, I have not seen anything even close in Linux. You can probably "work" on Linux systems, but you can work better in Windows. Windows simply has better software.

9>Linux users will often play the "malware" card. But honestly, malware in present day Windows systems are caused by "user ignorance", not a piece of code exploiting a vulnerability in the OS and attacking the computer thru a backdoor. If you're stupid enough not to know the difference between .mp3 and .exe, you should probably stay away from computers altogether. And it will take less effort to learn how to make Windows secure, than to learn Linux.

10>Repository Mixup: If you like having lots of software, you'll have to download them from different repositories. Over time, you'll find 15 repositories or even more in your system. Downloading something from one repository might overwrite shared components, and cause unpredictable behavior on the long run.

The things I like about Linux:


2>open source

3>supports very old and underpowered computers

4>good server (repeating a set of very finite predefined tasks, in a controlled environment, with trained professionals administering the system)

5>Nothing else.
2015-04-24 03:38:03 UTC
because they have no idea on it so
2015-04-24 20:41:42 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.