Unless you have a reason to switch, why bother?
Downside of Linux:
- you have to learn some slightly different ways of doing things;
- you have to do some online research to figure out that which you don't know
- there are some proprietary programs that are better under windoze than the equivalent programs under Linux
- if you have some key programs that you must have (games don't qualify) you may be "locked" into windoze
Pluses of Linux:
- a wide variety of programs, high quality programs, are available, most at no cost
- often performance is better under Linux than windoze
- virus / malware is a non-issue under Linux (and should be a non-issue for a PROPERLY configured and maintained windoze machine)
- extremely powerful options available for configuring your machine they way you want it, not the way the mfgr wants it; much, much more customization possible with Linux
Fallacies about Linux:
- Linux is no more difficult to learn than windoze, or mac - if you know Mac, windoze is difficult, if you know Linux mac is difficult
- command line - it is not needed unless you would like to really be able to control your system, install exotic software, do things that a nerd would want, not a "normal user"
- if you break Linux, you can often use the command line to fix things; if you break windoze, you can use the command line to fix things, but if you are like most windoze users, you break it, the usual response is reformat and reinstall (because people don't know how to fix it, or are afraid of the command line)
there are linux games, many games, but most windoze games are not "ported"; there are hardware issues, because hardware manufacturers provide drivers for windoze, but don't provide drivers for linux (mfgr fault, not linux's fault), many programs exist linux and windoze - but Micro$oft progarms do not run natively under Linux
I prefer and use Linux 99% of the time - in part because windoze is so slow, I have used Linux to fix virus problems on windoze machines
Like I said above, if you don't have a reason, why bother switching to Linux?