the provided link ( ) is perfectly useless because the repositories it refers to do not exist anymore (for version 10.1)
unfortunately openSUSE 10.1 (in fact, any openSUSE 10.x) is / are NOT supported anymore. thus you won't get any feature additions (from third parties site like the one above) nor, more importantly, any updates from openSUSE (Novell) itself; so you will for example be stuck w/ Firefox 1.x or maybe early 2, at best.
unfortunately the 1 £ you spent at the car boot sale is wasted :(
if you have a broadband connection of any kind, try and download one of the openSUSE 11.3 DVD
go to
and click on download button.
you will still need to download the NON-OSS CD (from the same page or add the non-oss repository in YaST) to get MP3s to play, but you can do that once 11.3 is installed.
my advice would be to install Gnome or, if you don't mind a simple interface, LXDE.
from this page you can add repositories with a single click (once 11.3 is installed).
from this page (the 2nd link above the page) give repositories for "additional stuff" like multimedia players from Packman.
here are a couple links to help you get started (with 11.3):
the general documentation page:
openSUSE concepts:
package management