2008-12-09 14:15:24 UTC
Label X-value Y-value
Dog 14 11
Cat 10 13
Horse 22 8
Bunny 9 11
I would like to see an XY scatter plot of this data (2nd, 3rd columns) with each data point labelled with the label name (first column).
1) I select the range including the headers, labels, and data and click the graph icon.
2) I select the XY scatter chart type
3) By default, the preview it shows treats each column as its own series (vs. column 1 on X axis and 2 on Y axis.
4) I change the "Series in" option to Rows.
5) Now it is showing a legend with a different color for each item (Dog, Cat, Horse, etc.), but the X-values are either 1 or 2 for all points.
I have found a way to have a true X-Y plot with series labels, if I click on the Series tab in this dialog and manually fix the X values and Y values from:
X: =Sheet1!$B$1:$C$1 to =Sheet1!$B$2
Y =Sheet1!$B$2:$C$2 to =Sheet1!$C$2
(for each series).
With large numbers of rows, this is laborious.
How can I do this more simply?