2011-12-11 18:01:28 UTC
Ubuntu Linux next to Windows 7.
I'm a newcomer to Linux, and I find the Linux file (navigation) system to be aggravating
and mysterious..
I opened up a terminal (in Linux), and I'm trying to access the "Downloads" folder.
Well, I managed to get to a directory such as "Computer-UserName: ~$ "
then I do a "dir" command to see a list of subdirectories,... and some of the
directories listed are indeed "Downloads", "SDesktop", "GNUstep", "Pictures", "Templates",
"Documents", "Music", "Public", "Videos",....
But, when I try to change to the "Downloads" directory, I get an error message
such as "No such file or directory"...
What happened? Why won't it let me change to the "Downloads" directory?
I used the simple command: "CD Downloads", or "CD /Downloads", and nothing works.