You prefer limited versions :o
Chromium (set to GTK theme to match my 'sand' theme)
Older version Firefox 3.5.1 (with Chromium Extreme skin)
Opera (new version is sweet)
I'm using Ubuntu - and use Firefox 3.7 (but also have 3.5.3 'Shiretoko' which can use all of the add-ons. 3.7 can't use cooliris, but it's about ten times faster than 3.5 which is ten times faster than 3.0)
Also, Chromium is awesome. I actually installed Chromium AND Chrome - they're virtually identical, but Chromium is a tad faster (great to set as default browser for fast opening links).
Opera 10.10 (Unite) is also pretty awesome.
What you have to do is search (using Ubuntu).
Search 'install Firefox New Next'
Search 'install Opera Next New'
search 'install Chromium next new'
Good keywords for software sources is 'repository sources'
Next, you open 'Software Sources' (If you use gnome-do, just type 'sources' and it's launched)
Click to Add Sources - then add the ppa repository. Don't forget to add the security keys, also on the websites.
After installing Firefox PPA, you can simply type 'sudo apt-get install' - or you can search in your synaptic package manageer if you want to do it with the GUI (though terminal is direct and much much easier and faster)
sudo apt-get install Firefox-3.5
sudo apt-get install Firefox-3.7
sudo apt-get install Chromium
sudo apt-get install opera
For Gnome-Do
Support not only Firefox, Support Freedom - that means Choice. (Also recommended - Epiphany webkit browser and Flock are interesting)