Disable App Store Windows 8.1 W/O Group Policy Editor?
2015-08-01 01:44:48 UTC
Hey there, I would like to completely disable the Windows store on my computer for productivity reasons. I've seen various methods but most involve use of the group policy editor. My version of 8.1 doesn't have that feature so I am wondering if there is a way to disable te store via the registry or similar methods, that won't cause system instability. (Did that with IE and wrecked the computer)
Four answers:
2017-01-05 10:01:18 UTC
Windows 8.1 Group Policy Editor
2016-10-26 01:05:55 UTC
Group Policy Editor Windows 8.1
2015-08-01 02:54:05 UTC
In the Registry key

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Policies\ Microsoft\ WindowsStore

set the DWord value "RemoveWindowsStore" to 1.  You can use the following batch file for the task.  Open Notepad, then copy & paste the following text.

@echo off


echo Press D to DISABLE access to the Windows Store

echo application, or E to ENABLE access, and press Enter.


echo Any other key and Enter, or Enter alone,

echo exits without changes.


set keyPress16096=

set /p keyPress16096=

echo de| find /i "%keyPress16096%" > NUL

if errorlevel 1 goto Quit


set key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies

set key=%key%\Microsoft\WindowsStore

echo e| find /i "%keyPress16096%" > NUL

If errorlevel 1 (

reg add %key% /v RemoveWindowsStore /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /F > NUL

echo Windows Store application is disabled.

) else (

reg delete %key% /v RemoveWindowsStore /f 2> NUL > NUL

echo Windows Store application is enabled.


ping -n 4 > NUL


set keyPress16096=

Click File and Save As, select the Desktop or a convenient folder to save to, type "RemoveWindowsStore.bat" (including the quotes) as the file name, select ANSI encoding, and click Save.  Close Notepad.

Navigate to the location of the RemoveWindowsStore.bat file.  Right-click the file and click Run As Administrator, then follow the prompts.
2015-09-21 06:52:19 UTC
Simple Method:

Click this links and watch the procedure.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.