All of my project files were saved under one folder. I have a windows 7 operating system. I was on one screen/user (called Allison) but my files were on a different screen (Karen) so I simply opened the Windows Explorer, went through Computers>Local Disc (C:)>Users>Karen>My Documents. I right clicked on my folder, and pressed cut. Then I went to Libraries>Documents on "Allison" (the current user) & right clicked. I accidentally pressed New Folder. So I deleted the folder. Then I right clicked and pasted. It didn't show up so I right clicked again, and the paste option was no longer availible. I tried to repeat the process because I thought maybe I didn't cut it or something. Nothing was there. I searched both screens, then searched the entire computer using the title of the folder, then keywords in the documents, then words used in the document titles. I found the files, but when clicked on an error came up that said (I will use example as file name) "The item 'example.pptx' that this item refers to has been changed or removed, so this shortcut will no longer work properly" I have no idea what to do now. This project is huge & I worked very hard. I'm really looking for any possible ideas right now