2014-02-28 09:33:13 UTC
Rpcs3 can't play any game.
I saw a answer which says . =yes you can convert a ps3 game into exe which is a computer runnable format. You need a
ps2 enumerator. When you run the game through this enumerator it will say unable to run
file. Then close the enumerator. Now what you need is a software named PE explorer. Now
run the game in enumerator and drag the enumerator in pe explorer after installing it .
Now click on option 'disassembler' and click on save. This will save your ps3 file in exe
format which you can run in your pc. Further if you want to pirate the game you can
create setup through wise installer software.
personal experience. Ive converted many games such as fifa 2011 pes, tekken 5, tekken 6
and resident evil.
But it won't work....I m unable to do that. Can u please tell me how to convert or emulate a game.