1. XP IS better than Vista. I'll get into why in answer 3
2. Microsoft has already removed XP from the shelves as of last week. Whatever is out in circulation is all that's left. Updates can be expected for about 3-5 more years.
3. Vista, for one thing, has taken the method that people have used for years to navigate their computer and manipulate files and changed it up with new icons and regrouped everything. Moved things to different places, and slightly altered names of everything. Basically, making you relearn how to preform basic functions.
Another thing is that Vista has software compatibility issues. And you would be surprised how many corporate software will NOT run on Vista. Look at your local supermarket for an example. Even though Vista has Program Compatibility back stepping, some software fails to run in an emulated environment.
Vista is a resource hog as it is loaded with tons of needless eye candy. If your machine is beefy, than you won't have this issue but most common pc's are not designed to run most of these features.
Vista is not a complete OS. In fact it was intentionally released to us for a fee and we the public beta tested it. Then they released the first service pack. (evidence of an incomplete OS) Then the Service Pack totally screwed matters for some folks. And of course Microsoft is already talking a bout SP2.
And finally, Vista has that darn UAC (User Access Control) which is a great concept gone horribly wrong. More of a pest than anything, the UAC (while actually preventing some bad stuff from happening) prevents you from doing many remote functions without someone manning the local terminal. This makes for a useless VPN Remote Desktop Server under the Vista OS. Some of us rely on remote desktop and VPN. Vista would require us to be in two places at the same time.
4. Losers that install XP on a Vista machine are people who know from experience that Microsoft has been consistent in their OS patterns. They release a version, it fouls bad, they release an SP, it fixes some crap but fouls other crap, they keep busting out SP's until t hey get it right. In Windows 2000's case, it took em 4 tries to get it right. XP (Built on 2000's core) needed 2 more service packs until it was stable.
Why would you wait to have TODAY's technology and a stable os instead of buying GREAT TECHNOLOGY with a Faulty OS? Your PC is only as good as the OS. You can have a Cadillac of computers, but with a messed up OS, you might as well have a Windows 95 machine.
Problem is, Microsoft has forced Hardware manufactures such as Compaq and HP to only make VISTA hardware from this point out with NO XP or 2000 support or Drivers. This leads us to a driver issue and some unuseable hardware..
Vista will be decent in about 1 more year and/or service pack.