It sounds like you are transferring from a relational database to Excel. If this is the case, it isn't a good move.
If you still have the database, create a report to export that has Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Payment, Date, Type etc....
This will combine the two tables and export as a "flat" database that can be directly imported into Excel with little or no modification involved.
If by chance you are upgrading databases, install the new database and import your data from the old database into the new database.
For a small amount of data, what you are trying to do is ok but for a large amount of data it is a waste of time and will do nothing but create headaches in the future.
You have a misconception of how the data is organized. The first Excel sheet IS column organized. It has labels for each column and each record in the sheet is a row in the worksheet. Each record (row) in the first sheet just happens to be a person with their particulars. The second sheet is organized the same way as the first sheet with labels on each column and each row represents a record. The records of the first sheet are tied to the second sheet via the Account Numbers. This makes the database a "Relational" database as the tables are related to each other via the Account Numbers. Having data organized this way saves a lot of space and eliminates a lot of errors as the account information for each individual doesn't have to be repeated for each and every transaction for the account.
Having said that, you can use Excel to do what you want by creating a VLOOKUP table using the Personal information in the first sheet as the VLOOKUP TABLE organized by the Account Number (account number in the first column). Then you would have in your main sheet with all the transactions a series of VLOOKUP formulae to lookup the personal information required by the transaction by just entering the Account number which would then bring all the personal information into the sheet that has the transactions.