OpenOffice won't open Works documents (.wps) unless they are saved in the (.doc) or (.rtf) format.
When I had XP I could use (Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs) to reinstall Windows componants. I can't do that with Vista.
Take a look there to see if you can. (look on the side panal to see if there is feature to add or remove Windows components)
You can convert you Works documents to OpenOffice so that you can open them.
Use this method (So you don’t loose any data.)
In your Documents folder
• Make a directory named START
• Make a directory named FINISH
• Copy all Works documents to the START Directory
• Open OpenOffice
• Click on File > Wizard > Document Converter
• Check the Microsoft Office Circle.
• Check the Word Documents Box
• Click next
• Uncheck the Word Templates
In the Import from: • To the path add \START
In the Save to: • To the path add \FINISH
• Click Next
• Click Convert
In the FINISH directory - You will be able to open your files with OpenOffice. There should be no problem
• Delete the Old files in the in the Documents directory.
• Copy the files from the FINISH directory to the Document directory
• Delete the FINISH directory .
Over time when you know your documents didn’t lose any data, you can delete the START directory.
Too bad they didn't check for the extention type. OpenOffice is really a great program.
If you continue to use OpenOffice set it up to save documents in MS Word format (.doc) Then you won't have any difficulty in sharing files with other word processors.
In OpenOffice
• Click Tools
• Click Options
• Click Load/Save
Select Microsoft Office
• Check all the S boxes.
• Click OK