2016-04-06 21:44:46 UTC
Twenty answers:
2016-04-07 04:57:17 UTC
Nobody here can tell you if you "should" get Win 10. The reason is because we have no idea if your computer is Win 10 compatible. There are a lot of incompatibility issues with Win 10, coming especially from older Win 7 computers, especially the group that originally had Vista OR they were from the early manufacture group of Win7 computers.

So it's going to be on you to do the research. Audio cards, video cards, wireless keyboards, wireless mouse, chipsets, printers, scanners. These are the primary areas where compatibility is of issue. So what you need to do is go to the manufacturer website of each device, look up your model, and see what it says about Win10 compatibility. If there's an issue, they should state as such. They will either release a Win 10 driver, or not. And if "not" then it means that particular device is not upgradable to Win 10.

Beyond that, it becomes a personal opinion. Functionally speaking, if all of your hardware devices are compatible, then it's just a matter of what YOU want. What I did was look at the Win 10 blogs to see what people were saying about Win 10. Looked at videos of how it's laid out, what its functions are, etc etc to decide if I thought I'd like it.

Keep in mind: the offer to get it for free expires July 2016. So you don't have much longer to take advantage of this freebie.
2016-04-09 17:51:12 UTC
From personal experience, keep to 7.

I recently added Linux Mint in a dual boot with my Win7 laptop. Mint works far better for me than when I took up Microsoft's generous offer of an upgrade to 10, then rapidly switched back to 7.

I now use Mint almost exclusively, Windows OS I do not really miss.

But the choice must be yours to upgrade or not, just ensure your hardware is compatible first.
2016-04-07 03:09:31 UTC
If you're fine with Windows 7 keep it, the only real advantages of 10 that I would consider is the DirectX 12 support if you play games.
2016-04-08 13:59:38 UTC
My personal opinion stick with 7 its far better looks better and easier to use. Windows 10 isn't complex its just Windows 7 is better. Go into notification center and disable notifications in my opinion and keep 7
2016-04-08 12:44:36 UTC
No, just keep Windows 7.
2016-04-06 21:50:56 UTC
Windows 7 will be good till the year 2020. If you plan to replace your PC before then, don't worry about upgrading. If you want your PC after 2020, do the upgrade before it's nolonger free in July. After the upgrade, you have a month to revert back if you don't like it or something doesn't work.
2016-04-07 00:41:49 UTC
NO, stay with windows 10, unless you want to be spied upon, I am of course assuming you have stopped the telemetry monitoring in windows 7 ? if not that would be the first thing I would be doing.
2016-04-06 21:49:01 UTC
Windows 10 is an ultra modern operating system. If your PC's configuration good for Windows 10 you can install it.
2016-04-10 10:22:51 UTC
I would wait a few months I have windows 10 and it's very buggy so wait for the polished version then install it
2016-04-06 22:01:27 UTC
It depends on your hardware. If you think that you will use it for the next 5 years and it can support windows 10, go for it. Otherwise, it just makes your life more complicated.
2016-04-07 09:05:13 UTC
We are M$. Resistance is futile. Your puters and lappies will adapt to service us. We will add your technology to our own. M$ has announced that Windows is NOT a top priority. Pushing people to use the cloud and mobile has become their main focus now. Now the truth about 10 is coming out.

Before upgrading, you should know what you're getting into.

Windows 7 and 8.1 is far better than 10. Windows 10 is far better at being spyware then any OS previously released to date. I find that people who are blinded by loyalty to M$ know little about Windows 10 and the spyware in it. They base their opinion on second hand knowledge and propaganda spread by M$.

With Windows 10, M$ owns your system.

YOU can no longer pick the updates you want installed.

THEY can choose which drivers are installed.

THEY can choose what THEY want on your system.

THEY even installed a backdoor in it so THEY can SPY on you at all times.

We all thought Windows 8 would be the worse OS M$ would release and they learned there lesson. They made some good improvements in 8 when they released 8.1. At that point we thought M$ was on the path to redemption. Then they come along with 10 and proved us wrong. People who make a profit off spyware and love the government knowing what you do on a daily basis are truly in love with Windows 10 and think it is the best OS M$ ever released. You got to admit tho, they thought this out. They first developed a OS so bad that just about every one hated and only got 23% of the user to move to it, Windows 8. Most of them had no choice when buying a new puter. With everyone thinking that M$ couldn't make one worse they release Windows 10. People hated 8 so bad they jumped on the FREE OFFER for Windows 10 before they realized that it is spyware masquerading as an OS.

M$ is pushing 10 hard because it means a big increase in their profit margarine when they sell the info they collect on you. That is why it is FREE. They have seen the profits that the smart phone makers are raking in by spying on their user so M$ decided to emulate that and cripple the desktops, laptops so they can do the same. That's why they built a back door in it so you can stop the OS with a firewall from phoning home. They spend years coping anything that Apple did. Hence we got Windows 8. Now they are going copy the smart phone industry and and force everyone to use APP.

The worse part is they have decided that you are stuck with this one. It is called Windows as a service. From this point on you will not be able to refuse updates of any kind. What that really means is that M$ can install or delete anything it wants on your puter anytime it wants. Their attitude is, tough we now control you and your puters and there is nothing you can do about it. The other reason for forcing updates on you is to also force new releases of the OS on you. This means the next time they have a Vista or Windows 8 you will not have a choice but to upgrade to it. They will use your auto update feature to force it down your throat. Everyone knows the history of M$ and how bad they can be in destroying a good OS.

If you pay attention you'll also see how they are blaming all the hardware problems with 10 on the user. They make claims accusing the user for having malware on his his system before installing 10. They are saying that the user just doesn't get it or know how to use it. Its called bait and switch. Its not our fault we wrote a bad OS. Its the people who have very over-active imaginations or just don't get or know how to use such a fine piece of spyware. REALLY, its beginning to sound like the same defense they used when Windows 8 started faltering. Houston, we have a problem, the user has found out Windows 10 is spyware and are started to go back to their original OS.

With Windows 10 you can not be guaranteed protection. M$ has built a back door into it and plans on spying on its users. When the hard core virus writers find out how to exploit it, there will be no stopping them.

From Computersecurity wikia: A backdoor is a means of access to a computer program that bypasses security mechanisms. (WINDOWS 10 data collection bypasses all firewalls) A programmer may sometimes install a backdoor so that the program can be accessed for troubleshooting or OTHER PURPOSES. However, attackers often use backdoors that they detect or install themselves, as part of an exploit.

From Wikipedia

Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization without their knowledge and that may send such information to another entity without the consumer's consent, or that asserts control over a computer without the consumer's knowledge. Spyware is mostly classified into four types: system monitors, trojans, adware, and tracking cookies. Spyware is mostly used for the purposes of tracking and storing Internet users' movements on the Web and serving up pop-up ads to Internet users.

From Extreme Tech

There are certain new “features” of Windows 10 that can’t be blocked by any OS-level tweaks, including the hosts file. The updates listed above connect to and These addresses are hard-coded to bypass the hosts file and cannot be prevented from connecting. It’s been reported that software firewalls aren’t sufficient to block them, though this is unclear.

Resistance is never futile. Do not allow your puters and lappies to adapt to service M$. DO NOT allow your technology to be added to and controlled by M$.

To show how bad Windows 10 really is, take a look at the chart below. They have been giving it away for free for over 9 months. It has been install on all the new systems that are sold. It only has a little less then 13% of the OS market share, LOL it is in a neck and neck with XP, 8. That speaks volumns on just how bad 10 really is.
2016-04-11 03:33:17 UTC
From personal point of view win 7 is best.
2016-04-07 09:54:24 UTC
Till now i had tried every of OS of Microsoft but i became satisfied always with Win 7
2016-04-09 20:30:52 UTC
The microsoft will auto push the windows upgrade message to you if your deivce satisify the Upgrade conditions.

My personal opinion is use the latest windows 10, it will give you amazing.
2016-04-09 09:30:09 UTC
No, many people have problems when downloading Windows 10 so you might want to wait it out until you have to update if your Windows 7 still works fine.
2016-04-06 21:50:39 UTC
if you are not satisfied with working 7, download useless 10.
2016-08-22 13:22:14 UTC
I asked this same question 4 times, and did not get a proper answer
Andy T
2016-04-09 15:56:18 UTC
I would and have taken it, it's good too.
2016-04-07 19:15:14 UTC
try not to, nothing best.
2016-04-08 04:18:13 UTC
better dont

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.