Audio Visual Interleave (.avi)
Versions of Windows Media Player that support this file type: • Windows Media Player 7
• Windows Media Player for Windows XP
• Windows Media Player 9 Series
• Windows Media Player 10
• Windows Media Player 11
Audio Video Interleave (AVI) is a special case of Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF). AVI is defined by Microsoft. The .avi file format is the most common format for audio and video data on a computer.
Audio content or video content that is compressed with a wide variety of codecs can be stored in an .avi file and played in Windows Media Player, if the appropriate codecs are installed on the computer. Video codecs that are frequently used in .avi files include the following codecs: • DivX codec
For more information, visit the following DivX Web site: (
• Cinepak codec
For more information, visit the following Cinepak Web site: (
• Indeo codec
For more information, visit the following Ligos Web site: (
• DV codec
• MJPEG codec
• Uncompressed RGB or YUY2 codec
Audio codecs that are frequently used in .avi files include the following audio codecs: • MP3 codec
• Microsoft Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (MS ADPCM)
• Uncompressed Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) codec
Click to play a sample AVI file (2,961KB) (