Linux.. improved?
2008-07-30 01:29:05 UTC
well, Ive been using Debian-family* (first distribution ubuntu 6.06) and it was good, but no excellent... well now, Ubuntu improved a lot, and much more softwares, larger communities and gets help (by bug reporting and fixing) from *other* debian communities :D ! so, anyhow, do you think it improved?

NOTE: debian-family= linux mint, ubuntu...etc
Three answers:
Linux Mint 11
2008-07-30 03:45:37 UTC
Ubuntu very much improved, however Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and still supported makes for an excellent server, however many are now upgrading to the equally excellent 8.04 LTS.

As far as the Desktop Ubuntu 6.10 (no longer supported) began to make in roads as far as usability was concerned. The major breakthrougn came with Ubuntu 7.04 (support ends in October) Ubuntu 7.04 was the first release to include amongst other things automatic codec detection, 3D Graphic accelaration, Beryl 3D cube or the original Compiz if prefered.

Things moved on with Ubuntu 7.10 with the first inclusion of Compiz Fusion as default. Upon release Ubuntu 7.10 was notoriously buggy with frequent crashes and many problems with the Flash plugin, however all of the problems haved now been fixed and Ubuntu 7.10 is now my personal preference.

On to Ubuntu 8.04 Long Term Support (LTS) which was released in April of this year and already Ubuntu 8.04.1 suffers from none of the above mentioned problems that Ubuntu 7.10 did. Its solid offers Wubi so you can install it along side Windows without interfering with the bootloader which appeals to far more people if they just want to dip their toes into Linux. Ubuntu 8.04.1 to install as with previous releases is a breeze with the minimum of effort. Ever since Ubuntu 7.04 has been very easy to use with far less commands to be submitted in the Terminal, with most of the work being carried out in the Synaptic Package Manager, a very painless excercise.

Ubuntu has a problem though, being shunned by Linux purists that it has become too far away from its Debian origin, in a way Ubuntu has become a victim of its own success. Some even go to the length of hating it saying it relies too much on borrowed applications from the likes of Nouvel but my claim is Canonical the developers of Ubuntu have just made better use of what is available. Nouvell have contributed much to the Linux community and continue to do so, however I do question the agreement they have with Microsoft and wether it will have a negative effect on the Linux community long term, we shall see.

The future is bright and I am currently testing Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha 3 and things look most encouraging.

Linux Mint. Many consider it to be entirely different to Ubuntu but nothing could be further from the truth. There will be many that disagree but Linux Mint is no more than Ubuntu with many applications preinstalled and wearing facepaint. This is how the releases break down along with the corresponding Ubuntu releases.

Linux Mint 3.0 (Ubuntu 7.04)

Linux Mint 3.1 (Ubuntu 7.04)

Linux Mint 4.0 which is my preference (Ubuntu 7.10)

Linux Mint 5.0 (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS)

So there you have it, without Ubuntu there would be no Linux Mint just the same as without Debian there would be no Ubuntu.

But yes things are definately looking good as Ubuntu continues to make the effort to appeal to more of the people.

2008-07-30 10:32:12 UTC
Comeon someone is trying to get the question answered not listen to some rants on the reptilian Linux Distro

Firstly yes Linux did improve more technologies are based on Linux now


Virtualisation Xen, FUSE integrated into latest kernel

Debian maintains stability while Ubuntu adds to user experience

To the Ranter:

Firstly do not put down Ubuntu just because it isn't a 'established' distro

And the developers of Debian do not hate Ubuntu only busybody freaks like you do

Debian is totally GPL and GPL is about sharing and improving on each others existing code do you even understand what GPL is ?

Ubuntu helped spread the GNU/Linux name around

As for the uptime the world longest uptime servers are majority BSD servers google it

And the issue about suspending to RAM and disk is NOT totally dependent on distro but on hardware too

And for your info BSD has compiz-fusion and i am using it

And BSD is so well-establish that there is a term call BSD-UNIX and BSD is POSIX compliant therefore it qualifies as a UNIX technically they just do not want to pay money for the System V label that wasting of resources

And Novell bought UNIX license by money they had no part of the development earlier

BSD contributed a lot of their codes to UNIX's development when UNIX was in the early stages and was offered to universities at low cost

TCP/IP design was ported from BSD-UNIX

AT&T took from BSD but AT&T demand BSD to drop their codes. I would not go as far as criticizing OpenSUSE i just dislike dealings with Microsoft because they did not make any solid OS before NT. And the way they use their Windows platform to destroy Netscape was just plain ugly.

They are only good with marketing so please get informed before posting your ill-informed knowledge

Thank You
2008-07-30 04:06:36 UTC
Debian doesn't consider ubuntu to be in its family, just ask their developers or visit their forums and ask for their opinions on ubuntu.

They hate the fact that ubuntu just copies them, if u want to use debian, use the real debian and not an imitation.

As for ubuntu being better, I don't think so, its quality has dropped, visit their forums and u will notice posts of people who r migrating, all ubuntu does is copy the work of others and not create anything new, just like Microsoft copies Apple.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.