free computer backup software?
Philip A
2007-05-05 02:37:31 UTC
I have just gone through hell my Computer went down and I lost everything, photos the lot. Its took me 3 weeks to get my computer back to normal life and cost 300 euros. Is there any FREE sotware out ther that can back up my computer to an external hard drive
Nine answers:
2007-05-05 02:44:13 UTC
Try Cobian. Its freeware and does full system backup and also incremental thereafter. I'm using it now and so far, so good. That, plus an external HD and I sleep better. And thanks for reminding me -- its time to back up.
2016-12-05 14:23:32 UTC
there are a selection of commercial products obtainable. yet NTBACKUP which comes with living house windows would do the job superb once you've some planning and reporting organised. the technique will be as follows. a million. keep a hardcopy of the Hardware and application configuration of the server or computing device you favor to backup fix. 2. keep a replica of each and every of the softwares that are put in on the computing device. 3. time table Dialy Incremental Backup from Monday to Thursday and finished backup on Friday. 4. Label 4 Disks/Tapes as Mon, Tue, internet, Thu you could recycle them a week. 5. Ladel 4 Disks/Tapes as Week1, Week2, Week3 and Week4 you could recycle them month-to-month. technique. click start up --> Run --> NTBACKUP Enter elect Backup --> equipment State and the Folders and/or Drives that you want to backup time table the job daily you should make positive that the backup is removed from the server and burnt onto Disk/Tape each and each month/15 days the Disks or tapes must be examined through restoring them. in case you desire anyfurther clarifications you'll come again to me.
2015-01-26 06:34:13 UTC
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The first challenge is finding a trustworthy binary broker; secondly, you need to find a binary trading strategy, which you can use to make profits consistently. Without an effective trading strategy, there is no way you can make money in this business.

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2007-05-05 02:51:05 UTC

just do a google search for what you want.

make sure to type in full free or freeware otherwise you will get a lot of shareware which is demo software or limited.

there's a lot of stuff out there if you look.

2007-05-05 02:59:15 UTC
Windows has a free backup utility called Backup. It may not be installed but you can check:

Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Backup

If it isn't then then you need to install it from disk. Click on the link for more details.
2014-09-29 22:52:07 UTC
Here is a good link where you can download winrar for here:

You can use winrar to decompress zip files and a bunch of other formats. Other good programs are 7zip and winzip but in my opinion winrar is the best one. Fuctionalities are pretty similar for all programs: basically you can decompress a file simply by right-clicking it and by choosing the destination folder.

Winrar is available for free under a trial licence. The good thing is the trial period never ends so you can use it for free with no limitations. Winrar opens all formats like .zip, .rar, .7z, .iso, .tar, .jar etc. That's why I recommend it.

2016-02-14 16:29:49 UTC
If you want to make money with binary options then this detailed educational articles and strategy guides. Go here

These will teach you to efficiently trade financial assets and increase your winning probabilities. You can implement these strategies at binary options brokers. The idea is to always choose legit and reputable brokers to avoid being scammed
2007-05-05 02:45:15 UTC
MSBackup is an integral part of XP.
2007-05-05 02:49:09 UTC
Choose Which one you Want !!!!

FREEWARE Windows Backup Software

TaskZip FREE BackUP Software - Backing up files, like checking for computer viruses is something that every personal computer owner should routinely perform, but often neglect until it is too late. Every computer should have an automated backup system that is easy to use and yet they do not. Windows ships with the Microsoft backup program. It has a nice interface, but is not widely used for one primary reason: it cannot be scheduled nor can command line parameters be passed in from a scheduling agent. TaskZip is a system agent that will automatically archive specified files and folders into a single zip file (pkzip compatible format). You can backup across a network, from computer to computer, or even to a zip or jaz drive. You can create and schedule an unlimited number of backup jobs, each containing as many folders or files as you want. TaskZip has a simple, step-by-step wizard to guide you through selecting files, backup locations, and backup scheduling. The program's scheduler can run backups at any time, and you can set recurring schedules for running daily, weekly, or monthly backups. For each backup job, you can even maintain up to 99 older backup copies of each zip archive file. You can password protect the zip file archives. When data loss occurs, you can highlight a backup job and with the click of a button, bring up your default windows zip shell (Winzip, Freezip, etc.) to restore the corrupt files. You can also forego compression and just backup files and folders directly. FREEWARE FILE. Freebyte Backup, Free, powerful and easy backup program - Freebyte Backup, Free, powerful and easy backup program - Freebyte Backup is a freeware backup program for Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP. It allows one to easily copy (and filter) a large number of files and directories from various sources into one backup directory. It is possible to backup all files found in the specified set of input directories, or to have only certain file types copied. Files can be filtered according to file-extensions. E.g. you can specify that you want to backup all .doc, .rtf, .jpg, .bmp files, but none of the .exe, .dll and .txt files. You can very easily define new file extensions yourself to be added to the filter. Incremental backups and scheduled back ups are also possible with this great freeware backup software. FREEWARE FILE. MOB, My Own Backup (FreeWare) - If you have been looking for a fast, easy to use yet powerful backup program for all those backups of your important data that you know you should do, but never get around to. Look no further! MOB v2 will let you do your backups by either copying all of the data, or zip it onto almost any type of media. Works with Zip & Jaz Drives, CD-RW, Hard Drives or even Floppy Disks using the Diskspan option. Crammed with powerful options, yet still extremely easy to use. Once you create and save your set you will never be more than two click away from a backup. There is even a Run Multiple option to make all of your backups in just one go. FREEWARE FILE. Cobian Backup - Cobian Backup is a multi-threaded program you can use to backup your files and directories from their original location to other directories/drives in the same computer or other computer in your network. Now you can altso backup to a FTP server. Cobian Backup exists in two different versions: application and service. The program uses very few resources and can be running on the background on your system, checking your backup schedule and executing your backups when necessary. Features: You can automatically backup your files once, daily, weekly, monthly, on a timer basis or manually. You can backup to other computers on the network, to other partitions or to a FTP server. You can also save and open lists with different backup file sets. The program creates a log file which optionally can be mailed to you automatically. Cobian BackUp can be used as an application (Windows 95 /98 /ME /NT /2000 /XP) or as a Windows service (Windows NT /2000 /XP). Cobian Backup has integrated compression capabilities, using the standard Zip algorithm. All the functions in the program can optionally be password protected. Incremental backup. Live update. The program remembers the position of the window and the columns' width. Support for windows XP themes. Include/Exclude certain files using file masks. Drag and drop. Multilanguage support. FREEWARE FILE. Backup Utility in XP Home Edition - Backup Utility in XP Home Edition. "This article describes how to use the Backup utility that is included with Windows XP to back up files and folders on your computer." DVD Decrypter - DVD Decrypter - Ripping in DVD Decrypter is about as easy as it gets! By default, the program will, where possible, automatically select the source (ie. the DVD drive) and the destination folder (by finding the drive with the most free disk space). All the files will have already been selected for you, so you really only have to press that big button to get the ripping underway. In about 10 - 30 minutes (depending on the speed of your computer / DVD drive) it will finish and you will have lots of nice DeCSS'd VOB files on your hard disk. From there you can choose to watch them with the likes of PowerDVD and WinDVD or you can re-encode them to MPEG1 (VCD) or DivX. FREEWARE FILE. Rescue Wizard - Rescue Wizard is a freeware Windows utility (3.1 or 95) to help create a set of rescue disks to later repair your computer. Features custom settings that are automatically saved and a batch file to help you restore. Rescue Wizard is a freeware Windows utility (3.1 or 95) to help backup and repair your DOS, Windows 3.1, or Windows 95 installation. It will help you create a set of Emergency Rescue diskettes that include the utilities you will need to repair and restore your system in the event of an emergency. If you ever have to re-install Windows, this utility and the rescue script can save you! FREEWARE FILE. RTools - R Tools is for Windows 95 & 98. It contains 3 separate programs (BACKUP) and restore the following files :Autoexec.bat, Config.sys,, IO.sys, MSDOS.sys, Protocol.ini, System.da0, System.dat, System.ini, User.da0, User.dat and Win.ini. (CLEAR) out the files of the folders :cookies,:history,:start menu documents,:temp,:temporary internet files,in C:\Windows. (QUICKIE) is a fast reboot that uses no memory or resources. Also has install and uninstall programing. FREEWARE FILE. Keep-It FREEWARE BackUp Software - Keep-It is like a real-world archive; it allows you to keep everything without cluttering up your system, or consuming valuable disk space. Put your work in a Keep-It archive, and you can ‘freeze’ (snapshot) a copy whenever you like. The frozen revisions of your work are stored in the archive forever; they can’t be changed, but they can be browsed and restored. All this, and hardly any disk overhead. Don't lose it, Keep-It. FREEWARE FILE. Whisper 32 - Whisper 32 is a very easy-to-use Password Manager for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows NT. Store all of your passwords in one file. Password protection. Data files are encrypted using a robust public domain private-key encryption algorithm. Built-in password generator. Passwords may be set to expire at user-configurable intervals. Never type in passwords or user-names: use the Windows clipboard to transfer them. Automatic backups. Attractive interface. Windows XP Freeware. FREEWARE FILE. TaskZip FREE BackUP Software - Backing up files, like checking for computer viruses is something that every personal computer owner should routinely perform, but often neglect until it is too late. Every computer should have an automated backup system that is easy to use and yet they do not. Windows ships with the Microsoft backup program. It has a nice interface, but is not widely used for one primary reason: it cannot be scheduled nor can command line parameters be passed in from a scheduling agent. TaskZip is a system agent that will automatically archive specified files and folders into a single zip file (pkzip compatible format). You can backup across a network, from computer to computer, or even to a zip or jaz drive. You can create and schedule an unlimited number of backup jobs, each containing as many folders or files as you want. TaskZip has a simple, step-by-step wizard to guide you through selecting files, backup locations, and backup scheduling. The program's scheduler can run backups at any time, and you can set recurring schedules for running daily, weekly, or monthly backups. For each backup job, you can even maintain up to 99 older backup copies of each zip archive file. You can password protect the zip file archives. When data loss occurs, you can highlight a backup job and with the click of a button, bring up your default windows zip shell (Winzip, Freezip, etc.) to restore the corrupt files. You can also forego compression and just backup files and folders directly. Rescue Wizard - Rescue Wizard is a freeware Windows utility (3.1 or 95) to help create a set of rescue disks to later repair your computer. Features custom settings that are automatically saved and a batch file to help you restore. Rescue Wizard is a freeware Windows utility (3.1 or 95) to help backup and repair your DOS, Windows 3.1, or Windows 95 installation. It will help you create a set of Emergency Rescue diskettes that include the utilities you will need to repair and restore your system in the event of an emergency. If you ever have to re-install Windows, this utility and the rescue script can save you! RTools - R Tools is for Windows 95 & 98. It contains 3 separate programs (BACKUP) and restore the following files :Autoexec.bat, Config.sys,, IO.sys, MSDOS.sys, Protocol.ini, System.da0, System.dat, System.ini, User.da0, User.dat and Win.ini. (CLEAR) out the files of the folders :cookies,:history,:start menu documents,:temp,:temporary internet files,in C:\Windows. (QUICKIE) is a fast reboot that uses no memory or resources. Also has install and uninstall programing. Backup FREEWARE BackUp Software - A small, easy to use file backup utility. Keep-It FREEWARE BackUp Software - Keep-It is like a real-world archive; it allows you to keep everything without cluttering up your system, or consuming valuable disk space. Put your work in a Keep-It archive, and you can ‘freeze’ (snapshot) a copy whenever you like. The frozen revisions of your work are stored in the archive forever; they can’t be changed, but they can be browsed and restored. All this, and hardly any disk overhead. Don't lose it, Keep-It.


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Free Backup Software, Free Back Up Software for Windows

TaskZip FREE BackUP Software - TaskZip FREE BackUP Software - Backing up files, like checking for computer viruses is something that every personal computer owner should routinely perform, but often neglect until it is too late. Every computer should have an automated backup system that is easy to use and yet they do not. Windows ships with the free Microsoft backup program. It has a nice interface, but is not widely used for one primary reason: it cannot be scheduled nor can command line parameters be passed in from a scheduling agent. TaskZip free backup is a system agent that will automatically archive specified files and folders into a single zip file (pkzip compatible format). You can backup across a network, from computer to computer, or even to a zip or jaz drive. You can create and schedule an unlimited number of backup jobs, each containing as many folders or files as you want. TaskZip free backup has a simple, step-by-step wizard to guide you through selecting files, backup locations, and backup scheduling. The program's scheduler can run backups at any time, and you can set recurring schedules for running daily, weekly, or monthly backups. For each backup job, you can even maintain up to 99 older backup copies of each zip archive file. You can password protect the zip file archives. When data loss occurs, you can highlight a backup job and with the click of a button, bring up your default windows zip shell (Winzip, Freezip, etc.) to restore the corrupt files. You can also forego compression and just backup files and folders directly. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. EZBack-it-up Free Back Up Software - EZBack-it-up Free Back Up Software - EZBack-it-up free backup software is a personal file backup utility for Windows that is free. It is designed to be very easy to learn and use. It is not an archival tool that compresses all your files and folders into one file, but instead, it copies your data to a destination of your choice where you can readily access your backed up files any time you need. All directory structure is preserved and you can optionally choose to delete files from the target that are not in the source. EZBack-it-up free backup software includes a built-in scheduler, command-line switches, logging functionality, and more. EZBack-it-up Free Back Up Software Features: Fast. Compares over 3500 files in less than 3 seconds! (1.2 GHz Athlon under XP) Efficient. Incremental style backup - only backs up files if they were created or modified since the previous backup. Full logging. Detailed logs provide you with peace of mind about your data's safety. Scheduler. Built-in scheduler allows for scheduled backups. Command-line switches give additional flexibility. Free. No nags, no registration, just free. All Windows platforms. 95 / 98 / ME / NT4 / 2000 / XP Note: Windows 95/NT4 requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. FREE BACK UP SOFTWARE. SyncBack Free BackUp Software - SyncBack Free BackUp Software - 2BrightSparks produces software with an emphasis on ease of use, simplicity in design, and powerful features. The Freeware backup application SyncBack, is a backup and synchronisation application for Windows that is the recipient of numerous awards for excellence. Note: On the site go to the Downloads Tab, then FREE - you will see the freeware version of SyncBack available for download. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. IceMirror Free BackUp Software - IceMirror Free BackUp Software - What is ICE Mirror? This freeware utility creates or maintains an exact duplicate of the original directory. ICE Mirror will compare the mirrored directory to the master directory and correct any disparities. ICE Mirror allows ultra fast mirroring because it performs incremental updates. In other words it only copies files that have changed. If only a few files have been updated, it performs very fast. Also ICE Mirror allows making differential updates. The differential updates are very useful if you are use read-only media (CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, etc.). There are two steps in differential updates: 1. Comparison the master directory and the mirrored directory. 2. Copying all new files from the master directory to the secondary mirrored directory. In other words it only copies files that have changed in the mirrored directory to the secondary mirrored directory. ICE Mirror features: ICE Mirror support incremental mirroring. Comparing directories/files for mismatches and replace only mismatches. ICE Mirror support differential mirroring. Comparing directories/files for mismatches and copy only mismatches in separated directory. ICE Mirror is a native Unicode application. That means that you can safety mirror/compare files with any filename languages. ICE Mirror made as multithread application. This is allow to see mirror/compare process real-time. ICE Mirror performs four comparison modes, include binary comparisons. ICE Mirror support fast maintenance of backup images located on removable drives. Such as a CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW etc. used packet writing software such as DirectCD, InCD, etc. ICE Mirror creates safer backups by not merging everything into a single file. FREE MIRROR BACKUP SOFTWARE. Version Backup Free - Version Backup Free - Version Backup Free is an advanced file backup systems, creating backup copies from your changed files each day. But compared to other backup programs, there is considerably increased functionality: Other backup software is restricted to the creation of backup copies. Functions to manage the existing backup stock usually are missing. The backup files will be overwritten each time, when a new backup version of a file is created. This way, the generally used backup software provides only the last copied backup for recovery. Older backup versions are not yet present. VersionBackup does not have these disadvantages. Here, the once created backups will continue existing. The backups will be managed as different versions. Version Backup is freeware for personal use on a single PC. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. Freebyte Backup, Free, powerful and easy free backup program - Freebyte Backup, Free, powerful and easy free backup program - Freebyte Backup is a freeware backup program for Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP. Freebyte Backup allows one to easily copy (and filter) a large number of files and directories from various sources into one backup directory. With Freebyte Backup it is possible to backup all files found in the specified set of input directories, or to have only certain file types copied. Files can be filtered according to file-extensions. E.g. you can specify that you want to backup all .doc, .rtf, .jpg, .bmp files, but none of the .exe, .dll and .txt files. You can very easily define new file extensions yourself to be added to the filter. Incremental backups and scheduled back ups are also possible with this great freeware backup software. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. Back4Win Freeware Backup Software - Back4Win Freeware Backup Software - Easy to use Free Backup program with many features including backup disk spanning to CDR(WinXP) and CDRW. The most critical advantage of Back4Win © over other free backup software is its reliability. Back4Win Freeware Backup Software Features: Losing Data (computer files) is at least disconcerting, at most potential failure of your business!. Backup software used regularly , insures your computer against these losses by storing copies of your data in a safe place. Back4Win is free, and is highly regarded by thousands of users as a no-cost solution for data integrity. Back4Win Free Back Up Software Features: * Optionally backup your data as an EXE file that can be expanded on most machines without decompression software. * Restore from damaged backups, or even spanned backups with missing or damaged disks (directory disk is not needed). * Backups are labeled with a unique easy-to-find time stamp. * Variable compression rates to suit different machine specifications (older machines perform faster with lower compression rates) * Powerful arrangement of backup size - spanning disks, predefined disk size to suit CDR and CDRW media etc. * Optional Password locking of the ZIP file ensures you or your licensee are the only ones able to access sensitive data. * Logical, easy to use functions without annoying pop-up windows. * Various modes of backup operation provide easier and faster ways of doing your backups. * The Restore window lets you select single, several or all files of a backup set to restore. * Does not have 2Gb and 65535 file limit of other ZIP backup programs * Burn CD to CD/CDRW Back4WinXP * Many other useful free backup features. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. Simply Safe Free Backup - Simply Safe Free Backup - Simply Safe Free Backup has been written as a replacement for other Windows backup products including the one that comes with Windows for the following reasons: Other backup products do not offer you strong encryption techniques to keep your data protected, only a password and compression. If you choose to write your backup to a hard disc, you cannot split the data files up so you can burn them or move them later. You cannot send your backup to a remote server. Simply Safe Backup will let you specify an FTP server to send your backup to. It will send each volume of your backup, as it completes that volume, saving you disk space, so you do not have to double the amount of disk space needed during the backup. Backup to fully qualified UNC path names. The restore process is friendlier than other products. The restore process has been optimized for selective restores so it can go to specific files quickly, and find them, and restore them. You cannot write a single backup job to backup unique data. With other backup programs you can do incremental backups and such, but this program will allow you to specify a window of time. For example, you can say, Backup all files changed and modified in the last 72 hours, or 2 weeks, or 1 day, or 12 hours. You can have a continual window of backup. Also, you can tell it to append the date and time to the file name, so you never write over the same backup. SIMPLY SAFE BACKUP FREE/HOME EDITION: Back up to DVD or CD-ROM. This version is designed for home/personal use. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. Cobian Backup Free - Cobian Backup Free - Cobian Backup is a multi-threaded program you can use to backup your files and directories from their original location to other directories/drives in the same computer or other computer in your network. Now you can altso backup to a FTP server. Cobian Backup exists in two different versions: application and service. The program uses very few resources and can be running on the background on your system, checking your backup schedule and executing your backups when necessary. Features: You can automatically backup your files once, daily, weekly, monthly, on a timer basis or manually. You can backup to other computers on the network, to other partitions or to a FTP server. You can also save and open lists with different backup file sets. The program creates a log file which optionally can be mailed to you automatically. Cobian BackUp can be used as an application (Windows 95 /98 /ME /NT /2000 /XP) or as a Windows service (Windows NT /2000 /XP). Cobian Backup has integrated compression capabilities, using the standard Zip algorithm. All the functions in the program can optionally be password protected. Incremental backup. Live update. The program remembers the position of the window and the columns' width. Support for windows XP themes. Include/Exclude certain files using file masks. Drag and drop. Multilanguage support. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. DeepBurner CD and DVD Burning Package Free - DeepBurner CD and DVD Burning Package Free - Powerful CD and DVD Burning Package - DeepBurner is an advanced and powerful CD and DVD burning package, ideal for free backups, that utilizes power and efficiency. It takes away the hassle of making CDs, DVDs, autoruns, creating and printing labels and booklets. The program supports a very wide range of internal and external (USB 2.0 and FireWire) CD and DVD writers. Burn any data, copy discs, make backups, burn astonishing photo cd albums, make ISO CDs and DVDs with just one easy to handle software, DeepBurner. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. Free Back up Utility in XP Home Edition - Free Back up Utility in XP Home Edition - Back Up Utility in XP Home Edition. "This article describes how to use the Back Up utility that is included with Windows XP to back up files and folders on your computer." FREE BACK UP SOFTWARE. Outlook Express Quick Backup (OEQB) FREE - Outlook Express Quick Backup (OEQB) FREE - A utility to backup your Outlook Express mail folders, files and settings. (Note: There was another free Outlook Express Backup Utility at this site which is temporariliy offline). FREE BACK UP SOFTWARE. Allway Sync free file and folder synchronizer - Allway Sync free file and folder synchronizer - This software uses innovative synchronization algorithm to synchronize your data between desktops PCs, laptops, USB drives and more. Allway Sync combines bulletproof reliability and extremely easy-to-use interface. Allway Sync is a Free File Synchronization Software It's free for personal use. Does not contain any spyware, adware or malware. Install this PC sync software on as many computers as you need. Sync data between your desktop PC and laptop (notebook). Update and backup files over local network or internet. Syncronize more than 2 directories. Do data replication and backup between home and work computers. Syncronize removable (USB key, flash drive, CDRW) device with local drive. You will combine performance of local files with absolute mobility of removable drive. And don't be so affraid to lose USB key or home computer hard drive: at least you will keep a copy of your most important data. Platform : Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / NT / XP. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. RTools Free Back Up Utility - RTools Free Back Up Utility - R Tools is for Windows 95 & 98. It contains 3 separate programs (BACKUP) and restore the following files :Autoexec.bat, Config.sys,, IO.sys, MSDOS.sys, Protocol.ini, System.da0, System.dat, System.ini, User.da0, User.dat and Win.ini. (CLEAR) out the files of the folders :cookies,:history,:start menu documents,:temp,:temporary internet files,in C:\Windows. (QUICKIE) is a fast reboot that uses no memory or resources. Also has install and uninstall programing. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. Keep-It FREEWARE BackUp Software - Keep-It FREEWARE BackUp Software - Keep-It is like a real-world archive; it allows you to keep everything without cluttering up your system, or consuming valuable disk space. Put your work in a Keep-It archive, and you can ‘freeze’ (snapshot) a copy whenever you like. The frozen revisions of your work are stored in the archive forever; they can’t be changed, but they can be browsed and restored. All this, and hardly any disk overhead. Don't lose it, Keep-It. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. ERUNT Free Registry Backup and Restore for Windows - ERUNT Free Registry Backup and Restore for Windows - Features: - Backup the Windows NT/2000/2003/XP registry to a folder of your choice - System and current user registries selectable - Command line switches for automated registry backup and restoration - Restore the registry in Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/2003/XP and MS-DOS (all-in-one restore program) or the Windows Recovery Console - Included in this package: NTREGOPT program for optimizing the registry - All programs in this package are completely localizable (translate them into your language), German version included Supported operating systems: - Windows NT 3.51 - Windows NT 4.0 - Windows 2000 - Windows 2003 - Windows XP - most likely, all future Windows versions based on the NT kernel. ERUNT The Emergency Recovery Utility NT. Registry Backup and Restore for Windows NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP. FREE Registry BACKUP SOFTWARE. Whisper 32 Back Up Passwords FREE - Whisper 32 Back Up Passwords FREE - Whisper 32 is a very easy-to-use Password Manager for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows NT. Store all of your passwords in one file. Password protection. Data files are encrypted using a robust public domain private-key encryption algorithm. Built-in password generator. Passwords may be set to expire at user-configurable intervals. Never type in passwords or user-names: use the Windows clipboard to transfer them. Automatic backups. Attractive interface. Windows XP Freeware. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE. DriveImage XML Image and Backup logical Drives and Partitions - DriveImage XML Image and Backup logical Drives and Partitions - DriveImage XML allows you to backup logical drives and partitions to image files, browse these images, view and extract files, restore these images to the same or a different drive, copy directly from drive to drive. Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools. Never again be stuck with a useless backup! Restore images to drives without having to reboot.

DriveImage XML is an easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives. The program allows you to: Backup logical drives and partitions to image files Browse these images, view and extract files Restore these images to the same or a different drive Copy directly from drive to drive Schedule automatic backups with your Task Scheduler Image creation uses Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS), allowing you to create safe "hot images" even from drives currently in use. Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools. Never again be stuck with a useless backup! Restore images to drives without having to reboot. DriveImage XML runs under Windows XP Home, XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 only. The program will backup, image and restore drives formatted with FAT 12, 16, 32 and NTFS. FREE BACKUP SOFTWARE.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.