is ubuntu the same as linux?
2010-05-07 05:48:00 UTC
in the next couple hours my me,mom,and dad going to my brothers house. (no,my brother is an adult and im 13). about a month ago i askd him if he could dual boot Ubuntu Linux for me on my PC. but im not sure that if i download Ubuntu i wont get Linux. what i mean is, is Ubuntu Linux the same as saying "Microsoft Windows" or "Apple Mac". its getting real confusing. i just want the "linux OS".
Ten answers:
2010-05-07 05:52:54 UTC




2016-04-12 04:12:36 UTC
Hi, OK Linux and Windows are completely different operating systems. There r no similarities at all. Linux is a kernel that is a descendant of the original Unix. Windows currently uses the NT kernel made by Microsoft. All Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Mint all use the same Linux kernel. Since Linux is a Unix operating system that it makes it most stable OS around. You could leave a Linux desktop on for a month and still u won't notice a performance difference whereas Windows if left on for 2 days would start crashing. Linux organizes files in a completely different way from windows, almost everything Linux does is different from Windows and that is what makes it better. Linux behaves in the exact same way as the original Unix. Linux uses different and better file systems than Windows such as Windows uses NTFS whereas Linux uses ext3 and many others. In Linux the GUI is not part of Linux itself so even if the graphical user interface crashes the Linux kernel will keep working without a problem. In Windows the NT kernel and the GUI is combined so if anything misbehaves the whole system crashes. Linux better manages your resources meaning it knows how to allocate memory and utilize the processor more efficiently than Windows. Linux uses user account control that means ordinary users cannot modify or do not have permission to modify whatever they like. This is an advantage so if a virus ever does try an attack linux or if a hacker attacks linux then he can not do any damages to your system since he won't be able to get permission to. In Windows everyone has full control of the system so viruses can install and change files with ease, any attacker will immediately have full control of ur system in Windows. In Linux the GUI interface is controlled by the xserver and is separate from the kernel so problems of the interface won't affect the kernel unlike windows in which the nt kernel and interface is combined. Linux is a true multi tasking operating system, meaning all programs being used will get a certain time of the processor so even if a program hangs the OS won't freeze and the system doesn't crash. Windows multi tasking is useless cause if an application freezes then it continues using the processor time and the nt kernel is unable to switch resources to other programs so the entire system including the nt kernel hangs and that means u have to reboot ur Windows system. Linux uses run levels for working, u may know of them if u used Unix, Linux is Unix though. In run levels different levels of ur system do different jobs such as run level 0 starts when booting the system, run level 7 starts your GUI, etc. You can find out more by visiting Wikipedia if u want. Linux or Unix itself is much more advanced than Windows or any other OS created till now. I hope I helped. Good Luck and take care!
2010-05-07 06:02:23 UTC
Yes Ubuntu is a linux OS.

There are several hundred Linux OS's. Ubuntu is one of the most popular distributions.

A site called Distrowatch keeps up with the 100 most popular-take a look

Take a look over on the right hand column, scroll down a ways and you will see the most popular Linux OS's listed in order of popularity.

Ubuntu is good-Use the older 9.10 version and not the new 10.04- it still has a few bugs.

Mint 8 is good

Actually any in the top 12 or so will be good. Some will be more user friendly than others. But- all good. Some of them may require a little set up at first- Linux Mint 8 works right away.

Don't get one labeled RC. That means its not quiet ready yet.
2010-05-07 06:06:02 UTC
No and yes. There is no "the Linux OS." Linux is the name of the operating system kernel, just one piece of a complete system. Linux is combined with other software in various forms known as "distros." Ubuntu is an example of one of these distros.

For comparison, lets say that Windows and Mac OS X are cars. Linux would be an example of an engine. To make a usable vehicle, you need a frame, transmission, doors, electrical system, gas tank, etc... Ubuntu would be the "car", as it combines the engine (Linux kernel), frame, transmission , and everything else you need for a basic car. After you get the car, you can add additional features, like power windows and a better stereo system.
2010-05-07 16:44:57 UTC
I suppose you could call it Linux Ubuntu rather then Ubuntu Linux. Linux is the foundation of an operating system and there are several distributions (called distros) out there that finish the package. Ubuntu is one of the better distros on the market (mostly do to Canonical's (the Company that created and maintains Ubuntu) philosophy of "It should just work").
2010-05-07 05:50:58 UTC
Ubuntu is just one of a ton of different versions, or "distros" of Linux.

To answer your question, in short, yes, Ubuntu is to Linux as Vista or 7 are to Windows.

Ubuntu is usually considered the best option for if you're new to Linux and want a version that doesn't require a lot of technical know-how to get it running.
2010-05-09 11:01:32 UTC
Ubuntu is a Linux based Operating System, however Linux is actually a Kernel that files plug into to create an operating system.
Linux Mint 11
2010-05-07 08:19:43 UTC
Linux is the kernel which all Linux distros. (including Ubuntu) are built upon

What is Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a community developed operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. Whether you use it at home, at school or at work Ubuntu contains all the applications you'll ever need, from word processing and email applications, to web server software and programming tools.

Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

We issue a new desktop and server release every six months. That means you'll always have the latest and greatest applications that the open source world has to offer.

Ubuntu is designed with security in mind. You get free security updates for at least 18 months on the desktop and server. With the Long Term Support (LTS) version you get three years support on the desktop, and five years on the server. There is no extra fee for the LTS version, we make our very best work available to everyone on the same free terms. Upgrades to new versions of Ubuntu are and always will be free of charge

Installing Ubuntu as a dual-boot with Windows without partitioning

You keep Windows as it is, Wubi only adds an extra option to boot into Ubuntu. Wubi does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader, and does not install special drivers. It works just like any other application.

Wubi keeps most of the files in one folder, and if you do not like it, you can simply uninstall it as any other application.

Boot in to windows insert the Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD and you will offered the option of installing inside windows which is where the Wubi installer comes in, you will be asked how many gigabytes you wish to allocate to Ubuntu (I recommend 8gb) then you set a password for your installation then click install and thats it.

Once Ubuntu is fully installed upon starting your PC you will be given a choice of which operating system you want to use Windows or Ubuntu

Ubuntu 10.04 Download

Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) User Guide

Linux Mint 9 (Release Candidate) has a similar feature called mint4win and the directions given above for Wubi can be followed

Linux Mint 9 (Release Candidate) Download

Linux Mint 8 Helena User Guide (also applies to Linux Mint 9)

Ubuntu 10.04 and Linux Mint 9 can also be run straight from the LiveCD without touching your Hard drive

2010-05-10 08:44:35 UTC
Linux is open source software so many companies make update of these sources and name it

like SUSE, ubuntu, red hat,

ubuntu is also Linux updated by Canonical Ltd
2010-05-07 05:50:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.