How to uninstall Windows Live MessengerPlease follow the instructions below to uninstall Windows Live Messenger when installed through Windows Live Essentials.
On the Desktop click the Start button
In the Search field type Programs and Features and hit enter
Locate Windows Live Essentials and double click
Select Uninstall and hit Continue
Place a checkmark by Messenger and click continue
Once it is uninstalled, select close and exit out of Programs and features
Or use WLMUninstaller (Freeware)
Windows Live Messenger comes in automatically with every installation of a Windows
operating system and it does not show up in "Add/Remove Programs" in control panel. If you do not like to use it or you want to install an old version of WLM, In order to completely uninstall and remove windows live messenger or MSN Messenger here is one freeware tool WLMUninstall.