What do you mean by "RGB". RGB usually refers to the colour separation of an optical display. Red Green and Blue. There are many file formats which support images in this form, either as RGB32 or RGB24. Some examples would be PNG, TIFF, TGA, PBM, BMP, PSD. Jpeg is stored as YUV data, not RGB.
Sounds like you are coming from a Mac, (never seen iPhoto for any other OS, lol) so Preview will support PNG and TGA for sure. I think it can read BMPs and many TIFF images as well.
Many digital camera RAW formats are also RGB, but each one is different, so you really need to use the software that comes with your camera (or can hopefully be downloaded from the manufacturer) to read those.
But you say you want to convert TO RGB, FROM Jpeg...? As I say, what form of RGB?
Googles Picassa will convert Jpegs to many of the file formats I listed above, and will display, and allow you to edit any of them.