2016-06-19 15:22:26 UTC
I really want to download this free OpenToonz animation thing but it requires OS X 10.9; I don't want to update my software and risk all my stuff being deleted. I'm a writer and I have hundreds (perhaps even thousands now) of pages of novels I've written. I also have nearly 9,000 photos in my iPhoto library, around 300 on my photobooth, some family videos on my iMovie (longest is around 30 minutes), hundreds of slides in Powerpoint, and then plenty of other documents and pictures, on top of iTunes music. I've never backed anything up except on USB drives. I would really like to buy some kind of storage device, preferably as cheap as possible of course (I'm a teacher and don't make much). I've read into the stuff about the external hard drive, but one I looked up was a 1TB for $65 but it says things like 200 GB of cloud storage and I don't store anything in the cloud at all and don't really want to either. Don't know if I'm being really old school here but I always thought you could just get CDs to store everything on. I've also read things about the external hard drives dying after a year or so? I am just wanting something to back up all of my documents and pictures and things and then place the storage device in a safe and never touch it unless (God forbid) something happens or when I buy a new computer and switch things over.