You can save a Microsoft Excel workbook or part of the workbook, such as a single item on the worksheet, as a Web page and make it available on an HTTP site, an FTP site, a Web server, or a network server for users to view or interact with. For example, if you have sales figures set up on an Excel worksheet, you can publish the figures along with a chart to compare figures on a Web page, so that users can view or even work with the numbers in their browsers without having to open Excel.
Here are some of the different ways you can share Excel data on the Web.
• Put an entire workbook on a Web page.
• Put a worksheet, range of cells, or other item on a sheet on a Web page.
• Put a chart on a Web page.
• Put a PivotTable Report on a Web page.
• Put several items on a Web page.
To put Excel data on a Web page:
1. Open or select the workbook that contains the items you want to publish.
2. On the File menu, click Save as Web Page. If you have already selected the item you want to publish, or want to publish an entire workbook without interactivity, you can select the options you want in the Save as Web Page dialog box, click Save, and you're done. Otherwise, continue. Create a customized hyperlink by using a worksheet function.
3. Click Publish.
4. Under Item to publish, click what you want to publish in the Choose box.
5. Under Viewing options, select or clear the Add interactivity with check box, and if necessary, click the type of functionality you want.
6. To add a title over the published selection, click Change under Publish as. Type the title you want, and then click OK.
7. Next to the File name box, click Browse, and locate the drive, folder, Web folder, Web server, or FTP location where you want to save or publish your Web page. You can also choose an existing Web page to append to or replace as long as you have permission to modify the Web page and have access to the HTML file.
8. To view the Web page in your browser after you publish it, select the Open published Web page in browser check box.
9. If you expect to make changes in the workbook later and want to automatically republish the items each time the workbook is saved, select the AutoRepublish every time this workbook is saved check box.
10. Click Publish. If you are publishing to an existing Web page, click Replace file to copy over the existing page, or Add to file to append your data to the end of the Web page.