2010-06-15 18:47:47 UTC
Not to bore you with the details here is my problem atm. I have repartationed my raid drive with gparted and have 1 large 1tb drive that when trying to install windows 7 says it cannot create a system partation. Normally I use windows xp to take care of this for me and is why I would normally install xp first but xp setup gives me a bsod when loading this isnt possible. Now on my previous setup my raid drivers were automaticly loaded when installing xp now however they don't. I took the drives out of raid to check 2 things. If my raid drives is why I'm getting bsod at xp setup and assuming I can get into xp setup if I use xp to format my drives if windows 7 can use them. Turns out I am right on both accounts. After formatting 1 of my drives into 2 pieces using xp (which will load setup assuming I'm not in raid) windows 7 will load on the partation I did not install xp on. Now all I have to do is do this in raid setup. However I have the problem that I have no floppy drive to load drivers on. So I have a few options.
1 format drives using xp on my old system (because xp finds those drivers automaticly)
2 buy a floppy drive
3 patch xp to make it load drivers
4 find a program that will format just like xp
1 old system is fried not an option
2 buying one isn't prefered because of time constraints
3 never done it but might if nessary
4 best option but the only one i am filmilar with is gparted and it doesn't work right (are primary partations not system partations)
Thought, openions, suggestions
Thx for any help