Okay, so recently I've been trying to get into computer programming, Internet security, etc. My long-term goal is to become an "ethical hacker" and I heard programming is where I should start. I have also heard that the best way to learn and really get into programming & hacking is through using a Linux-base operating system. Currently my only computer is a Lenovo B575 laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. I am still very dependent on Windows and do not want to uninstall it. After a little research, it seems as though I can have Windows 7 and Linux installed on the same machine and choose which OS to run via the boot screen. Now, my computer honestly is not that great. I've had it for about a year and-a-half, I've had problems with blue screens in the past, it's clogged up with a lot of junk, etc.
So my question is if I have Linux & Windows 7 installed on the same machine, will it become even more slow or problematic? I know Linux doesn't take a lot to run, so I'm more concerned with how well Windows will run.
Here are the specs of my laptop if it helps:
Lenovo B575 laptop
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium; 64-bit
Processor: AMD e-450 APU w/ Radeon HD Graphics @ 1.65 GHz
RAM: 4 GB (3.6 useable)
Hard Drives: Local Disk (C:) 254 GB & LENOVO (D:) 28.9 GB
Any help is appreciated—thank you!