Hi there, I am an IT technician & came across this worm today whilst assisting someone with an infected WinXP system.
Before attempting any extensive technical troubleshooting on your system you must be fully competent in those fields before attempting any of the following instructions; I accept no liability for any negative outcome.
OK, here's what I did to resolve this issue:
Firstly DO NOT Double click any of the drive Icons you wish to access, instead use "Explore" (Windows Key + E).....
I make an assumption that you have already done a virus / malware / trojan scan using up-to date tool of your choice, if you haven't, you should
1) Un-hide hidden & system files/folders & operating system files.
2) Right click each drive you need to access & click explore (drive should still be accessible (Windows Key + E)).
3) Shift+Delete the folder with the name "resycled" in it (note the typo "resycled") this will contain a file named "boot.com", click yes to any warning & allow delete
4) Shift+Delete the "autorun.inf" file from the root of each drive
5) run regedit & do a search (CTRL+F) for boot.com
6) ONLY DELETE VALUES FROM THE RIGHT HAND PANE THAT CONTAIN THE VALUE "boot.com" & that are located in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2" categories on the left...you will find about a dozen or so....
7) Don't forget to check you USB / Removable drive for infection...
If your USB / Removable drive is infected DO NOT double click the drive icon to access it as this will re-deploy boot.com & re-infect the system...instead "Explore" the drive until you have followed steps
1 to 4 above for all of your external drives
8) Re-boot your system; after which your drives should now be accessible & normal operation should be resumed
This is exactly how I dealt with this issue...I am not aware of how the system got infected with this in the first place but i guess the user unknowingly extracted something that also extracted this nasty in the background.
I hope this information assisted in resolving your issue.
Kind regards