How about all the OS CDS i have
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 32/64 (Tried on someones laptop actually supported wireless out of box with a zero config tool OMG talk about spoonfeeding)
Ubuntu 7.10 32/64
Debian 4 Etch 32/64 (Still feel that debian is the best distro because of the release cycle that gurantee stability and no frills approach they have only release up to 4 compared to other distros)
OPENSOLARIS (they only release x86)
Solaris 10 (they only release x86)
FreeBSD 7.0 32 (Installed on my laptop)
FreeBSD 7.0 64 (did not install due to unavailability of Nvidia 3D driver NVIDIA still ironing out problem of their 64 bit driver)
PC-BSD (32 bit) (based on FreeBSD 6 not cutting edge thats y i gave up although it was idiot-proof compared to Freebsd 7.0)
Fedora Core 9 (32/64) (very fast i liked but but i didn't like that way they include beta stuff inside Firefox beta)
OPENSUSE 11 (32/64) (Tried because SOMEONE was ranting over it but oh well it was just like any other Linux distro in my opinion no biggie)
One slipstream SP3 Pro from big M Corporate editiotn(Its a secret to why corporate)
Do you know Corporate Edition does not require activation?
One thing i found about Novell OpenSUSE is it closely resemble Microsoft Control Panel Concept
I guess N takes after M afterall (pun intended)
If we ever met for coffee i would use my CDS as coasters =P