Okay so I got the AVSS virus on my computer. I don't want to download any of the stuff online because frankly I don't trust most of it. I have the AVG Free 9.0 and it has always worked for everything I ever ran into. The problem is, I can not open it because it says that my "taskmgr.exe" is infected. I can not uninstall the program, because there is no program to uninstall. Rather, it is a virus, which is why I wanted to use my AVG to remove it. Problem is, I can't open it. So I found something on the net that says I can open my Task Manager and remove the files. No problem. Trouble is, when I open the TM, it too closes because my "taskmgr.exe." is infected. So how am I to remove something if I can't get to any programs to remove it through??
This is the website that told me about using the TM --- http://www.precisesecurity.com/rogue/av-security-suite/
Please help. It is getting really annoying now.