I would choose Vista Ultimate SP1 over Leopard or any Mac always. Don't believe the
nonsense about no problems with Macs. Do a Google search to see the awful results of their
current OS and the update that made things worse. And no virus problems? That too is
nonsense. XP & now Vista are perfectly safe as long as you do what most folks do and
maintain your system properly. Macs certainly can and do get infected. I regrtfully tried a
Leopard with it's new OS on the advice of a collegue who owns a previous Mac. Big mistake
and one my friend regrets recommending. I took it back and bought Dell XPS, Vista Ultimate
SP1 and couldn't be happier.
If you wish to continue using iWork then you will likely have compatibility problems
with MS Office. It's not 100% compatible. Many of the companies I deal with and most
individuals have switched over completely to Office as it's just as powerful if nt moreso
than iWorks. If you do decide on Vista perhaps MS Office is a switch to consider. OTOH there
may be a bit of a learning process if you have not used MS Office before so that may be a
determining factor.
Best wishes on your decision,