well,well....I *know* its an operating system,but can i do everything on linux which i do on windows xp??
> Technically you can you just need to look into linux a little first and see what you can do with it.
>>can i surf the net,listen to my music,make office docs & play games on linux??
> Yes, There is mozilla firefox, opera, epiphany and konquerer which are graphical webbrowsers and there is links for command line browsing. Openoffice, Gnomeoffice, Koffice and star office are all office programs that run through linux. Or you can run some of microsoft office through wine a windows emulator. Music there are a buttload of free media players where you can watch videos or just listen to music like atunes, amorok, vlc media player and mplayer. Games you can play some windows directx games through this proprietary wine product called cedega or you can use wine. There are also so many little games and free projects for linux and some proprietary software for linux also.
>>Does it have a good Graphical user interface & easy to install?
> Depending on the distro, Ubuntu comes with an easy installer and the Gnome graphical desktop.
>>Do windows software,games,firewall,AV etc.work with it or i'll have to download software exclusively for linux?
> They only work if a program is made to work through wine or cedega or crossover office (all wine based) you don't really need a firewall or antivirus because the market share for linux is low and there is an almost 0 percent chance you will ever get a virus in linux and there is no spyware.
>>Are there some reasons why i should migrate from windows to linux?
> Linux is safer and built better and is faster than windows.
>>i am interested in "Live CD" linux which i dont need to install....Are these distributions good enough?
> Ubuntu is a live CD and can be installed get one and try it out!
>>Please recommend some live cd distributions which suite my requirements.(from where can i download them?)
> Ubuntu, Knoppix and a few others check out http://www.distrowatch.com
>>which one's better--windows,mac or linux?
> It is all personal preference just try something.
currently im running windows xp sp2 ,256MB RAM.pentium4