2012-11-25 04:43:49 UTC
I tied legal copys and it said that the file was corupted and I tried XP, Vista, 7, and Windows 8. None seam to work. I tried downloading legal trial versions from the Windows site, but they don't work or you have to be a member. I know that iso files don't work. I tried both Windows, Mac, and React OS. None of them have any versions that work. Maby Virualbox is not stable on Linux Mint? I know that Wine hardly works on Mint so maby can that be the problem with Virtualbox? I know lots of Linux users have this problem. Most people make vid's about how to put Windows in Virtualbox, but most never had a DVD like me. It also might be that virtualbox is to advanced for my computer (exWindows Vista hardwear)? I don't know I am at a loss. If you know where I can get the file and how to get it to work please anwser?
Ok so I KNow that Virutalbox works but it does not work with Windows I don't know of where to get the .vbox file. I need one in order for Windows. If you now of a place where I can that file or a ISO of Windows that works on virtualbox that is 64-bit.