Below are three examples, one a messge box and two using an input box, that I use in a training class. You would have to tweak the code a little to fit it to your needs.
These macros were triggered by a button placed on the worksheet. You can just as easily create a custom menu item to call these.
There should be indentation in coding, but when entered here it strips it out.
Option Explicit
Sub UserMsgBox()
Dim aAnswer
Dim bAnswer
Dim sMsgTop As String
Dim sMsgMid As String
sMsgTop = "The Message Box is used to convey information to the user. For example:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sMsgTop = sMsgTop & "You have pressed the Message Box button on the Example sheet." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sMsgTop = sMsgTop & "Would you like to continue?"
aAnswer = MsgBox(sMsgTop, vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Message Box Example")
If aAnswer = vbNo Then Exit Sub
If aAnswer = vbYes Then
sMsgMid = "A Message Box can give the user a choice on how to proceed. For example:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sMsgMid = sMsgMid & "Do you really want to add this information?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
bAnswer = MsgBox(sMsgMid, vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Message Box Example")
If bAnswer = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
If bAnswer = vbOK Then
Range("I5:M30").Value = "Here is some data."
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub UserInputBox()
Dim rUserRange As Range
On Error GoTo Canceled
' It is bad formatting to run a line of code out to infinity.
' The way that a line is broken up into segments is to add an underscore " _"
' where you wish to break up the line.
' Look up InputBox Method in the VBA help for an explanation of the arguments.
Set rUserRange = Application.InputBox("The Input Box is used to provide a means for the user to supply required information. For example:" _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Select the range to erase, then click OK:", "Input Box Example", , , , , , Type:=8)
End Sub
Sub MyFifthMacro()
Dim sAnswer As String
Dim sMsg As String
On Error GoTo errMyFifthMacro
Err.Raise 11
sAnswer = InputBox("Please enter name")
If sAnswer = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a name."
GoTo PleaseTryAgain
ElseIf IsNumeric(sAnswer) = True Then
MsgBox "The instructions call for a date. You entered: " & sAnswer & "."
GoTo PleaseTryAgain
MsgBox "Hello " & sAnswer
End If
Exit Sub
sMsg = sMsg & "Error type: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf
sMsg = sMsg & "Error discription: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf
sMsg = sMsg & "Error Location: MyFifthMacro"
MsgBox sMsg, , "Program Error"
End Sub