a good free resizer is photogadget
i only use paint to add font, it's a pretty hard program to figure out all it's features.
so you can use photogadget to resize
& paint to do the font.
keep in mind when resizing photos :
i have found that pics with the extention .jpg are the best for editing
also keep in mind that all resizers can make some pics look bad / if you have a bad quality pic to start with editing it is not gonna make it better. pay attention to the resolution #s (this means size in pixels) when you first obtain the pic. and if you feel you need to resize, try only a small change at first. i have had darn good luck with photogadget. when you install it, there is no need for a desktop icon. the program works from the context menu-(right click) of picture files.
when you first right click a pic then select photo gadget Picture resize, the program opens. uncheck all except custom / the numbers i use here for saving my photos is 400x360. then when i use my paint, or my nero photosnap application to edit / i resize all the way up to 1024x768
& like i said / if you have a bad quality pic to start with / any editing is gonna make it only worse