My mother and I share the same computer. I have an email address from my college through Microsoft outlook. My mother also has an email address from her job also through Microsoft outlook. In order to sign into our respective email addresses we can not, I repeat, it does not work, to use the main Microsoft outlook email sign in screen. We must each separately log in through our respective institution's log in screens. My college has a special sign in screen for their Microsoft outlook email users and so does my mother's job. Every time I enter the web address to log in to Microsoft outlook for my college it reroutes me to my mother's log on screen for her job. And no matter what I do, every time I follow the link from my college's website or I enter the web address manually, it reroutes me to her log in screen. I have Google chrome, if that might have anything to do with it. I don't know how to fix this, except use a different computer to check my college email. And I can't ask Microsoft Outlook because they keep requiring me to sign in to my email in order to contact someone. So let's see if anyone one yahoo knows a little bit Microsoft outlook