Ok, it's a bit tricky but it's not too hard. First, go under "My computer"
Tools: Folder options
Click the view tab:
select in the menu : Show hidden files and folders
Click apply
Now, go back to "my computer", now it depends what drive you're running windows off of...usually C:
So lets assume it is, click c:
Click the Windows folder
Click the application data folder
click the folder inside of that and keep going...there should only be one folder.
Eventually you should click a folder called "microsoft"
then click the "outlook express" folder
Inside this folder you should see files labeled:
Inbox.dbx, outbox.dbx, sent.dbx.....these are the files that contain your messages. Save these files to a CD or another drive and on your new computer open outlook express and set it up as normal. Then, follow the above steps over again and paste the files you have on CD over the files in the outlook express folder. Restart outlook express and all your e-mails should show up. I've done it many time before. Hope this helps. E-mail me if you need more help!