I have just downloaded windows 7 RC and installed it, what it installed was windows 7 ultimate, I am not over the moon with it, From what I have been reading it still has the same old security problems from windows 2000 Era that still have not been fixed.
I for one would not wast my money on windows 7 ultimate edition that is for sure, It is vista all over again, It may be more stable with better hardware drivers, it don't come anywhere near Linux worst distribution if Linux has one,
if this is the ultimate version what a poor effort on MS part that's all I can say, No 3D Desktop Graphics at all, MS said when it brought XP out, people don't like change and who's fault is that, Microsoft's they stopped people from thinking, using their brains, so everything has come home to roost.
Linux is more popular than you think sabayon downloads to date are Downloads: 5,632,133 and one can't get a count on Ubuntu 9.4 I only know it took hours for me to get onto a server here in the states, every university server was maxed out with 46,105 users,
check out the link below for the windows 7 security vulnerability