Personally I think microsoft are trying a con (yet again)
They are trying to get everyone with XP to buy THEIR latest version of software , but unfortunately for them there is a very large customer base who already have XP
when push comes to shove and those customers start thinking about a new OS they are going to think
I have 2 options
Pay yet again for a new microsoft OS (cos they have already paid for XP or bought it preinstalled) when there is no guarantee MS wont do the same with the new software in a few years time, so there is a good chance I will have to pay YET AGAIN for an even newer OS
get a free version of linux and never have to pay for an OS again OR have to pay for MS user software.
And a LOT of those users are going to go for linux
and why not?
Its free, a lot of user software is available and is free AND it can input/output in MS format
(why ANYBODY pays for WIndows office of any version I'll never know, when there is openoffice available for free which does more, and can input/output in MS format)
If the worst comes to the worst. or you really dont like it, then all you have to do is wipe the hard drive, THEN buy the latest OS from MS and install it
Worst you can lose is a bit of time (cos you can download free versions of linux ready to burn to disc then install)
Best thing that can happen is you dont have to pay MS for a new OS EVER, and you get an OS and software for free.
(I have 2 pcs with XP pro installed both of which are primarily used for internet work
If MS think I am going to buy WIN "anything" to install on them when I can get linux for free they live in fantasy land
These days I try to buy pcs without any os installed (cos they tend to be a lot cheaper- then I install linux on them.
I NEVER buy MS software of any sort)
just some info for "amanda"
the first "windows" was 3.0, then 3.1 then win95