You need to:
1) identify which Sheet 1 rows appear on Sheet 2,
2) select those rows on Sheet 1
3) delete them from Sheet 1
First, make sure you save, or make a copy of your file in case anything goes wrong.
1) identify the rows which appear on Sheet 2
- hopefully there is a unique field (name, id#, whatever) that is on Sheet 1, and that you can search for on Sheet 2; if there is no single identifier, let us know, because that will get more complicated
- use a VLOOKUP function to see if each identifier on Sheet 1 also appears on Sheet 2:
=VLOOKUP(A2, 'Sheet 2'!$A$2:$A$30000, 1, FALSE)
- this searches for what's in A2 of Sheet1, in column A of Sheet 2
- copy this down to all 60,000 rows in Sheet 1
- have a header for this column, something like "Lookup"
2) If the VLOOKUP doesn't find an identifier on Sheet 2, it will show "#N/A". If it does find it, it will show that identifier. So you want to delete the rows that show anything except #N/A:
- click on this new column with the VLOOKUPs
- Data - Filter - Autofilter
- when you get the little arrow, use it to pick (Custom...)
- in the left box, put Does Not Equal
- in the right box, put #N/A
- this will show all the rows that were found on Sheet 2, and will hide all the rows with #N/A's (which weren't found)
3) Delete the visible rows:
- Select all the rows that are visible
- Edit - Delete (only the visible rows will be deleted)
If you need more info, add detail or e-mail.