2013-01-12 09:10:47 UTC
I tried downloading windows 8, i ran the upgrade manager and it said there were 8 things uncompatible (main ones being i had to download a dvd player and that sercure boot wasnt compatible), i click next and it gives the option of what things you want to keep, but none of the options work and im faced with this message: "No compatible offers are available. Your migration choice isnt compatible with the offers available in your country/region. Please go back and try again after changing what you chose to keep."
I've tried selecting the other optuons but i keep seeing this message. does this mean my pc isnt compatible for windows 8? I've downloaded the upgrade assistant from the uk windows site and the us site but still nothing. I dont know why it says that theres no upgrade for my region because my boyfriend managed to download it and the upgrade assistant also said that secure boot and the dvd driver wouldn't work on his pc why cant I download? i cant find anything online about it.