2006-02-17 16:17:54 UTC
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_FILES in C:\Inetpub\eMeeting\www\ac\i_index.php on line 31
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_FILES in C:\Inetpub\eMeeting\www\ac\i_index.php on line 32
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_FILES in C:\Inetpub\eMeeting\www\ac\i_index.php on line 33
Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_FILES in C:\Inetpub\eMeeting\www\ac\i_index.php on line 34
In the PHP.INI file, the settings are as follows:
memory_limit = 16M
post_max_size = 15M
upload_max_filesize = 10M
In the Admin console, the settings are as follows:
Maximum Image Size 10000000 KB (Photo settings)
Image Space 1000000 Bytes (Membership Packages)
Please let me know what needs to be altered in the PHP.INI file or in the admin console in order to be able to upload pictures.