QUOTE: "Linux tends to be difficult to use for most people since they are already used to Windows or MacOS."
What total rubbish - especially seeing the interfaces are all similar in a point and click way and people introduced to Linux instinctively start to click around and use the web and other applications within a matter of minutes due to familiarity.
QUOTE: "Everything runs around Microsoft, and that's the way of the world. You can't change "progress"."
Utter rubbish - everything actually runs around Linux and Unix which pretty much power all of the web we know and use today. Microsoft has just had to suck the lemon and make their software compatible with everything else or be left behind.
Large corporations are looking to Linux due to it being free and also enabling them to use 'dated' PC hardware for longer periods which is not only cost saving but also good for the environment.
Please people - remove your blinkers; You have only experienced Microsoft's variants due to them being shipped with PCs and from their worldwide dominance on the PC desktop which is accepted to be the norm - open your eyes and taste Linux which is free and evolving and is not lining the pockets of large corporations!
Best way to decide - try both and don't listen to comments like the above - this is from someone who uses Linux, XP and Mac OS/X and loves them all for different reasons and still finds it hard to decide which I prefer overall.
QUOTE: "Unless you are the adventurous type or feel a special attraction for computer science, you should stay with Windows."
LINUX IS NOT JUST FOR NERDS - most mobile phones are now running Linux along with ATM, shop tills, routers, DVD players and recorders - why - because Microsoft have tried and often failed. Speaks volumes.
Oh - and if Linux is so nerdy - do you realise what Apple OS/X is based upon? No - it's Linux.