svchost or svchost.exe - Process Information
Process File: svchost or svchost.exe
Process Name: Microsoft Service Host Process
svchost.exe is a system process belonging to the Microsoft Windows Operating System which handles processes executed from DLLs. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.
Note: svchost.exe is also a process which is registered as the Trojan.W32.Dasher. It takes advantage of the Windows LSASS vulnerability, which creates a buffer overflow and instigates your computer to shut down. To see more information about this vulnerability please look at the following Microsoft bulletin:
This is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately.
Determining whether this process is a virus or a Windows process depends on the directory location it executes or runs from in WinTasks.
For More Information About svchost.exe - Get WinTasks 5 Pro Now! (Site:
Recommendation for svchost.exe:
Should not be disabled, required for essential applications to work properly.